Anger (18)

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So Carli and Hope didn't really have to come out because people already knew they had a thing for each other. They just both didn't admit it. But Carli transferred to Seattle Reign after a long huge debate. I went back to school and things are just starting to get back to normal.

Today there was no school because a pipe burst and flooded majority of the school. So I went back home, I thought Carli and Hope would be at practice but as I came into the house I heard noises. So me being me I followed them into Hope's room. I opened the door and saw something I never wish to see ever again.

I yelled which made both Hope and Carli jump under the covers.

"SORRY!" I screamed.

I closed the door and rushed into my room. Um do you really want to ever see your mom having sex with her girlfriend? BTW this is a rhetorical question, ya nasty. But Hope soon came into me room. I had my back facing her so she couldn't see my face. She sat on the end of my bed.

"Okay first things first why aren't you in school?" Hope ask.

"A pipe burst and they sent us home." I say.

"Hey I know what you just saw was super awkward." Hope starts but I cut her off.

"No shit but I don't want to talk about it. So we are all going to pretend that when I came home that never happened. I'm going over to Sofia's house." I say.

I try to get up and leave but Hope pulls my wrist.

"Are you asking me or telling me?" Hope ask.

She gives me this look.

"Mom can I please go hang out with my girlfriend?" I ask.

She nods then lets go of my arm. When I reach the bottom of the stairs Carli is there.

"Hey I just wanted to say." Carli started but I cut her off.

"Didn't happen, Not talking about it." I say.

I walk out the front door and hop into the car. I drive of to Haley's place to meet up with Sofia. I pull up and knock on the door. Sofia comes opens the door and pulls me inside. The next thing I know is her lips are smashed against mine.

"Looks like somebody missed me." I say with a smirk.

"Shut Up." Sofia says.

She pulls my shirt off and leads me to her bedroom.

"Babe what about your sister?" I ask,

"She's out doing whatever and won't be back for a while." Sofia says.

So we continue what we're doing. When its over Sofia and I just lay there wrapped in each other's arms. Not wanting to move.

"I love you." I say drawing patterns of her back.

"I love you too." Sofia says.

"Babe, I'm tired." I say.

"So we can get dressed and you can stay tonight. I just want to be wrapped in your arms." Sofia says.

I smile kiss her neck then get out of the bed. We both get dressed then fall asleep. I wake up to someone shaking me, its Haley.

"Fuck off." Sofia groans.

"Hope is going to kill you!" Haley yells.

"For what?" I ask.

"You didn't bother to think to tell her you weren't coming home?" Haley ask.

"I told her I was coming over here." I say.

"She came over here she said nobody answered the phone and your car isn't out front." Haley says.

"That's because I parked in the garage." I say.

"Well get up and go home." Haley says.

I try to get up but Sofia wraps her arms tighter around my waist.

"Babe I gotta go." I say.

She gets up and pulls me in for a kiss.

"Stop sucking my little sisters face and go home before Hope beats all our asses!" Haley yells from the kitchen.

I grab my stuff and head home. I walk into the house and it too quite. Its like 8 am so I go into the kitchen and get some fruit and granola. Hope walks into the kitchen.

"Your grounded." Hope says.

"Good morning to you too." I say.

Carli comes into the kitchen and makes a cup of coffee.

"I want your phone, laptop, IPad, and TV." Hope says.

"Come on your bugging the fuck out." I say.

"Watch who your talking to." Hope says raising her voice.

Which isn't helping because I can feel myself getting angry.

"Fuck off!" I yell.

I go upstairs into my room and punch a whole in the wall. Carli and Hope burst into my room a few seconds later. I just sit in my window looking out at the lake and everything else around it.

"Rylee." Carli says.

I don't move, I can hear her but I don't move.

"Why can't I be normal?" I ask.

"Because normal is boring." Carli says sitting next to me.

Hope takes my hands, I didn't even know it but I'm picking at my scars.

"Hey, we're right here." Hope says.

I nod my head as tears stream down my face. We all go and get in my bed. I have Carli on my right and Hope on my left. They're my family know, I hope they never leave.

Twist, Turns, & Broken Promises...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin