You Want Me? (4)

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"So what happens now?" I ask.

Hope let's me go and stands up. She give Ashlyn a look and they both leave without answering my question. I can see them in the hallway and they're having a really intense conversation. I take a deep breath and start counting the squares on the ceiling for the fourth time today. I get to the middle of the ceiling before I hear the door open. Hope and Ashlyn both pull a chair up and sit beside me.

"How would you feel coming home with me?" Hope asks.

I look into her eyes and see something I haven't seen in a long time. Maybe I'm just overreacting, I hope it's real.

"You want me to come home with you?" I repeat.

"Yes, there's going to be a lot of leaf stuff going on now. I think that you would be better with me than in a foster home." Hope explains.

I look at Ashlyn and then at Hope again. It's not like I have anything else here for me. I nod my head and they smile.

"Ashlyn and I are going to be gone for a little while. We have to make sure that I'll be allowed to take you home."

The two leave the room and I realize how tired I actually am. So I close my eyes and think about what my life is going to be like.


"Okay so I got you some clothes." Ashlyn says.

"The team is really excited to meet you. What's going to happen is you're going to finish the rest of the friendly games with us. Then all the legal stuff will happen back in Washington." Hope explains.

I just nod my head feeling a little overwhelmed actually. The nurse came in while Hope and Ashlyn were gone and took out my IV. I grab the bag from Ashlyn and head into the bathroom. There is a black tee shirt and some khaki colored joggers along with some undergarments. I look at myself in the mirror and bloodly fucking hell. My hair is all matted because it hasn't been combed in a few days and there's blood everywhere. Ashlyn as put hygiene products in the bag and I'm hella excited to take a shower. When I first get in the water it's just red and brown, god it's disgusting. After about an hour I feel better. I smell better my once matted hair is now combed out and I'm no longer in a hospital gown. I open the door and at first Hope and Ashlyn just stare at me.

"You ready kid?" Hope asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I respond.

Hope gives me a pair of sun glasses while we're at checkout. I don't understand why until we get outside. The light hurts my eyes and I groan before sliding on the glasses. We get to the car and we're off. I'm kind of shitting myself right now. What if they don't like me.

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