Shut out & Shut off (16)

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If you listen to this song really take in what she's saying.

*Hope's POV*

So every since the game on Friday Rylee hasn't come out of her room. I have to force her to come downstairs to eat. Her friends have been over to try to cheer her up but nothing has worked. She stopped talking too. Carli is staying for awhile to help me but I don't know what else to do. Carli and I are in the kitchen making lunch and I'm hoping that Rylee will eat. There's a knock on the door, its Sofia. She comes over everyday to check on Rylee. I go back into the kitchen with Carli and start cutting up some chicken. We hear Sofia yell so Carli and I run upstairs and into Rylee's room. Rylee is crying on Sofia's lap and Sofia has a towel which was once white now red wrapped around Rylee's wrist. Sofia is crying so I move her away and hold Rylee. Carli calls 911 while trying to calm Sofia down.

"Hey your going to be okay." I whisper into Rylee's ear.

We hear a knock on the door and Carli goes to let the paramedics in. They wrap Rylee's wrist in gauze along with some other things and then put in an IV. They put her the ambulance and take her to the hospital.

"What happen?" Carli ask.

"Um...I came into the room and I didn't see her. But I heard crying coming from the bathroom so I went to the door. Rylee was standing there...she had a blade in her hands and blood running from her wrists." Sofia says.

She takes a deep breath and then she starts full on sobbing. I go and pull her into a hug and I start crying too.

"Come on, I'll bring you to the hospital." Carli says.

We all get into the car and drive to the hospital. I got the the front desk and they tell me which room Rylee is in. When we get there she has an IV in her arm and these things on her hands. We walked in and sat in the chairs around the bed.

"They think I'm going to try to kill myself." Rylee says.

"Why'd you do it?" I ask.

"I meant to cut myself. I didn't mean to cut that deep but it wouldn't stop. I started crying and next thing I know Sofia is in the bathroom taking the blade out of my hands." Rylee says.

"How long have you been self harming?" I ask.

"When I was younger and couldn't cope with my dad leaving I would do it all the time. But my mom caught me and made me promise not to. She told me to come to her if I ever felt that way again. I started back up again when she died. But then I met you and stopped. But then the game of Friday happened and now here we are. I'm sorry." Rylee says.

"We're going to get you some help." I say.

"Please say something." Rylee says.

I look over at Sofia and she has a blank face on.

"I'll be here for you." Sofia says.

There's a knock at the door and a doctor and nurse comes into the room.

"So we have your file here and after talking with some of my colleagues we have your diagnoses. It looks like your dealing with depression, anger issues, anxiety, OCD, and a slight form of autism." The doctor says.

"Where did the autism come from?" I ask.

"We'll when Rylee was in Arizona her parents brought her to the doctor because she stopped talking and communicating with everyone. They thought it was depression but with some of her school records we diagnosed it as autism. Its not sever but when Rylee doesn't know how to express herself its like her brain turns off any and all ability to communicate at all. But when she gets like this give her space, don't push her. But monitor her at all time, because we don't want this happening again." The doctor says.

"We have a few prescriptions that we would like Rylee to start. We know she has a problem taking pills but if she wants to be able to have control over this she needs them." The nurse says.

"We want to monitor her over night but if all goes well she's aloud to leave in the morning. We also suggest that she sees a therapist twice a week. If you both are okay with that." The doctor says.

"Okay." I say.

They both leave the room. We were sitting in silence until Sofia's phone went off.

"My sister wants me home." She says.

"I'll take you then I'll come back here." Carli says.

I nod my head. Sofia goes over to Rylee and gives her a hug and kiss before leaving the room with Carli.

"Can you come hold me?" Rylee ask.

I get up out of my seat and climb into the bed next to Rylee. I wrap my arms around her and she cuddles into my chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Rylee whispers.

"Its going to be okay, we're going to get through this one step at a time. I will be there for you, I'm not going anywhere." I say.

Rylee ends up falling asleep before Carli gets back.

"Are you okay?" Carli ask.

"Right now no. But she needs me so I have to be. We're all going to be okay...I hope." I say.

Twist, Turns, & Broken Promises...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin