Author's Note

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1) So how do you guys feel about Rylee's secret sister?

2) I'm really into music would you guys want me to start putting different songs at the beginning of the chapters?

3) How many of you saw the roster for the USA v Columbia game? If you did what do you think about it?

4) What's your favourite song at the moment?

So I know most people update at the same time or whatever but I'm not most people. I literary like "I wanna update another chapter" and I do. You guys who are reading this book are amazing. I love hearing your input so keep it going. Also a lot of the things Rylee is going through I am a lot of other people are going through so if you ever need to talk I'm here. I'm talking to a lot of you guys and its super cool. Especially when you guys are in a different country.

Quote of this A/N:

Smile, because you deserve you be happy...😁

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