My Fault (15)

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So its the weekend and I have a game later on. But Sofia and I are just chilling in my room. Hope is downstairs in the living room with Carli, she came to stay with us for a while. They say they're just friends but I don't believe it for a second. If you see the way they look at each other you'd be able to tell. Anyway we're watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix. I can tell there is something on Sofia's mind but she won't say anything.

"Babe, what's up?" I ask.

"Um, nothing." She says.

"Don't lie to me." I say.

She sighs and props herself up on her elbow.

"I just have a lot on my mind right now." Sofia says.

"Like what?" I ask.

I pull her into me so half of her body is laying on top me.

"I over heard Kim talking the other day." Sofia says.

She buries her head into my chest.

"About what?" I ask.

"She likes you Rylee."

"I know but I love you so I don't want you worrying about Kim. Yes we're friends shes on my team but beyond that there's nothing."


Sofia sits up and kisses me slow and gentle. Her leg is in between mine so when she moved she applied pressure to my center. I moaned into her mouth and she smirked. I got up and locked the door because Hope or Carli busting in here is the last thing we want. I take off my shirt and walk back over to Sofia whose laying the bed with the look of pure lust in her eyes.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I ask.

"I'm sure." Sofia says.

She sits up and unbuttons her shirt before throwing it somewhere in the room before taking me into her arms.

Lets just say I had the time of my life before my soccer game..

Carli came and knocked on my door saying that it was almost time for my game. So Sofia and I both got dressed. I hopped into the shower and when I got out put on my uniform. Sofia took a quick shower and put on some of my clothes. I don't mind, I kinda like it when she has on my stuff. I go downstairs and into the kitchen to get my water bottle. Sofia goes into the living room with Hope and Carli comes into the kitchen.

"You might want to cover up the hickey on your neck. On top of that you guys were kinda loud." Carli whispers in my ear.

I blush and cover my face.

"Can you help me?" I ask.

She chuckles and we go into my room. We go over to my dresser and she grabs some concealer. She covers some of the hickeys Sofia left on my neck so they don't show anymore.

"Thanks." I say.

"Anytime, but your lucky I caught it before Hope did." Carli says.

We go back downstairs and get into the car. This isn't a home game and the field we're playing at is about an hour away. Carli and Hope are acting all weird and I think its because they're scared of telling me or something.

"Will you just hold her hand and stop acting like teenagers?" I ask.

"What are you talking about?" Hope ask.

"Mom I'm not dumb, why don't you just tell me Carli is your girlfriend?" I ask.

They both stay quite for awhile.

"Is it obvious?" Carli ask.

"Very." Sofia and I say at the same time.

"Well are you okay with it?" Hope ask.

"Of course I am." I say.

Carli reaches over and takes Hope's hand. They both have smiles plastered on their faces which makes me smile. I went and laid my head on Sofia and feel asleep. Sofia wakes me up when we get to the field. I go and find my team while Carli, Hope, and Sofia go find a spot to sit.

"Hey guys." I say.

I go and sit on the bench next to Meg and Kara and start putting on my gear.

"Okay girls the Bulls is a good team. They will be aggressive but so will we I don't want reckless fouls. Kim, Meg, and Rylee you three have a connection on the field. You guys know what the other is thinking use that. Kara your saves have been amazing keep it up. Pagie, Olivia, Skylar, and Harper you guys need to communicate and listen to Kara. They're going to try to get through us but the four of you are amazing defenders. Dani, Rita, and Hazel you guys are going to be running a lot. When they get the ball I need you to drop back and help out the defenders. When we get possession go up and make chances happen. Now let's get out there and win." Coach says.

We warm up with touches and shots on goal. The ref blows the whistle and we're off. The Bulls start with the ball. They pass the ball back and the forwards run up. They tried to lob it forward but Rita is amazing in the air and gets possession of it. Rita crosses it over to Hazel who has a few defenders on her. But she kicks it up over their heads and makes a run down the flank. Meg, Kim, and I are inside the box when Hazel crosses it. Meg goes up for it with a defender on her but gets a head on it. But the ball goes off of the cross bar. Then Dani comes out of nowhere and kicks the ball into the back on the net. We all run over and congratulate her, we reset and the game continues. Halftime came and the score was still 1-0. We go into the locker room to regroup. Once coach is done talking we all make a game plan. Coach tells us who shes subbing out of the game and then were back on the field.

We came in and got right to work. Rita passed me the ball and I was off. I was about to cross the ball to Meg when I'm taken down.

"Hope Solo's adopted daughter huh? I wonder why your real parents didn't want you." She says.

I get up and walk over to her.

"What did you just say?" I ask.

Kim comes over and walks me away.

"Hey its not worth it." She says.

The ref gives us a free kick and Hazel takes it. I go into the box along with some of the other girls on my team. Hazel serves in an amazing ball and I get a head on it. It deflects off a defender and its a goal. I turn to go back to our side of the field when the same girl who was talking to me earlier punches me in my face. I get off the ground and punch her back. I black out and the only thing I hear is people yelling and whistles blowing. I don't know how long this went on for but I'm now in the locker room with Hope and some of the staff.

"Hey." Hope says.

I look down and see my hands are bandaged and my head throbs a little bit. I look behind Hope and see the girl who punched me shes with her parents. Her eye is black and swollen, her lip is busted, and she has cuts and scrapes all over her. Hope sees what I'm looking at and turns my chin so I can't see her. I start crying because I didn't mean to. I can't control myself when I black out. Police officers come in and the girl's parents rush over to them.

"Talen started the fight. She approached Rylee and punched her in the face. Before any of this happened your daughter was harassing Rylee on the field. If anybody is in trouble here its Talen." They say.

Hope goes over and talks to the officers before coming back over to me.

"Come on we're going home." Hope says.

I nod my head then grab my stuff. We walk out of the locker room and got into the car where Carli and Sofia are waiting for us.

"Hey, you okay?" Carli ask.

I just not my head. Sofia tries to take my hand but I move away and lean up against the window. She moves closer to me.

"Don't shut me out." She says.

She kisses the side of my head and then moves back over to her seat. Hope gets in the car and we make the drive back home. I don't like it when I lose control. People probably think there's something wrong with me. Who am I kidding there is something wrong with me. Its my fault...

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