Don't Leave (27)

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*Hope's POV*

I was at home getting ready to go to practice when I got a call. It was about Rylee, she didn't go to first period.

"Carli!" I yell.

I few seconds later I hear foot steps and Carli is in the kitchen.

"What's up?" She ask.

"Its Rylee, she skipped school." I say.

She wraps her arms around my waist.

"Hey its going to be okay. You go to practice and if she comes back here I'll let you know." Carli says.


I kiss Carli on her forehead and drive to practice. I was off my game but I did a decent job. When practice was over I called Carli. She said Rylee never showed up at home, I drive to the school to ask her friends. When I get there I see her car. So either she left with some else or she just didn't go to class. I go to the main office and ask to speak with her friends. The lady lets us go talk in the conference room.

"Do you guys know where Rylee is?" I ask.

"No she's been MIA lately." Ryan says.

"Yeah, she's been acting different." Mark says.

"I know she stopped going to soccer practice. Some of the girls on the team were asking me about her." Amanda says.

"What about you Sofia, have you noticed anything?" I ask.

She just shrugs her shoulders.

"They broke up." Amanda says.

"When did this happen?" I ask.

"This morning, I told her I knew about Lux." Sofia mumbles.


Sofia nods then walks out the room.

"Whose Lux?" I ask.

"The school drug dealer, but you didn't hear it from me." Mark says.

"Do you know where I could find her?" I ask.

"Nope, she shows up to school whenever and leaves whenever." Mark says.

"Thanks guys, you should go back to class. And keep an eye on Sofia, Rylee isn't in a good place right now." I say.

"We know." Amanda says.

"When you find her tell her we're waiting for. We're not giving up that quick." Ryan says.

I smile and leave the school, I drive back home hoping she'll turn up. I sit in the living room watching the time pass by. Its now 11 pm and I haven't heard anything. Carli is up with me, were just sitting not saying anything. Then the phone rings.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello, I'm looking for Hope Solo." The voice says.

"This is her." I say.

"Well I'm sorry to inform you that your daughter is in the hospital. She's in critical condition and I advise you get here ASAP." She says.

"Okay, I'm on my way." I say.

I hang up the phone and rush to get my shoes on. Carli sees me rushing and she just throws on a pair of shoes and is out the door with me. I explain to her what's going on on the way to the hospital. We pull into the parking lot and rush into the hospital. I ask the lady at the desk where Rylee is and she leads me to ICU. We were walking towards her room when I see a teenage girl and a police officer outside her room with a doctor.

"What did she take?" The doctor ask.

The girl doesn't say anything. She just has tears streaming down her face and is looking at Rylee. Carli and I walk over and they all look up.

"Are you Rylee's mother?" The doctor ask.

"Yeah, how is she?" I ask.

"Not good." The doctor says.

"Hey is that your friend in there?" The police officer shouts.

The girl jumps and nods her head.

"Well if my friend was in the hospital dying and I knew how to help her I would say something." The officer says.

"Please." I say.

"GHB." She says.

The lights in Rylee's room starts flashing and doctors and nurses rush in.

"She's having a seizure!" The doctor yells.

A nurse comes and brings us to the waiting room.

"So I guess your Lux." I says.

"Yeah." Lux says.

We were sitting in silence until Lux spoke up.

"I didn't mean to hurt her. Other kids do it all the time and they're fine. I'm sorry." Lux says.

"Where are your parents?" I ask.

"They kicked me out." Lux says.

"Why?" Carli ask.

"Because I wasn't a genius like my brother and sister." Lux says.

"That's horrible." Carli says.

"Tell me about it. They told me if I didn't get my B+ average up to an A+ they we going to leave me. I didn't realize they were serious until I came home one day and my things were sitting on the steps. They pay for the apartment I live in and they said if I go to college they'll pay for that too. But if I don't once I turn 18 I'm cut off." Lux says.

The doctor comes into the waiting room.

"We stabilized her, if Lux hadn't told us what she had in her system we would have lost her. But were going to keep her for a couple of days to make sure the drug is completely flushed out of her system. We're going to make sure none of her organs were effected by this and then she should be able to go. We moved her into a different room and you can go see her if you want. She should be awake soon." The doctor says.

Lux gets up and heads towards the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Carli ask.

"I just wanted to make sure she would be okay. Now that I know she is, I'm leaving. Can you just tell her I'm sorry?" Lux ask.

"Why don't you come tell her yourself?" I ask.

Lux just shakes her head no and walks to the elevator. Carli and I go to the room and see Rylee laying in bed. They took some of the tubes out of her but she still has on a mask. Carli and I sit in the chairs that are in the room.

"What are we going to do?" Carli ask.

"I don't know." I say.

I really don't know. I mean can I handle all of this? I can't give up on her but I don't know how to help her.

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