Chapter 23- A Game to Remember

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Ben's POV
I pace the entire tourney field about 10 times. I am having a total nervous breakdown. 'What if my stupid mistake makes them want to leave.. What if Jay and Carlos refuse to play tonights game... Its all my fault!' Stupid, stupid, stupid! I am so stupid I could scream. I fall to the floor now dizzy from walking in circles.
"Hey Ben." I hear Jay and cover my face.
"Do your worst, just please not the face." I said expecting him to beat me up. Instead he offered me a hand up.
"I would, but I made a promise to Evie that I wouldn't." Jay said and pulled me up. "Now come on we have a game to practice for."

*That night at the game*
Mal's POV
I wasn't sure this was a smart idea at first, to go to the game.. But E insisted and so I did. Jay and Carlos look great ou there but I cant help staring at Ben every time he makes a goal. Until he looked back and I look away.
"Mal are you enjoying this?" Evie shouted over the roar of the crowd.
"Not really but whatever." I replied and got up. There was about 20 seconds left and we were clearly winning.
"E, I am leaving.. I can't handle this." I said over everyone shouting Ben's name.
"Okay, I'll see you back at the dorm." Evie replied. I started making my way through the crowd and when I arrived at the stairs everyone, including Ben was staring at me. I continued walking and tried to ignore Ben, but he stopped me at the bottom of the stairs.
"What do you want." I asked flatly and looked at the floor. Ben lifted my chin.
"This." he pulled me in and we shared a very long passionate kiss. It lasted for about 2 minutes and I never wanted it to end. "Mal, I am so, so sorry about earlier an-" Ben started but instead of listening to his long excuse I pulled him in to kiss me again. When we finally pulled out of the kiss we both smiled. He rested his forehead on mine and everyone cheered. He slipped the promise ring back on my finger and I felt someone put a neckalace on my neck. I turned and saw Evie and gave her a hug.
"Thank you." I said then turned back to Ben and pushed him back onto the field. "Now go win!" I shouted. And of course the did it was a blazing 18 to 33. When the game was over Ben walked me back to my dorm, I didn't want to leave his side.

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