Chapter 12- Crazy Girl Part 2

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Mal's POV
I walked to the enchanted lake with Ben but I kept my head down the whole time.
"Mal, whats wrong?" He asked concerned.
"Ben... Its just.. Did you actually kiss her?" I ask stopping and looking at him "I do trust you Ben, its just.. Freddie is a bad person and usually ends up with what she wants." I could feel a ball forming in the back of my throat. I felt like I was gonna cry.
"Mal, I would never betray you. Even if I was forced to with a gun to my head. Your the only person I will ever love." Ben replied soflty. He looked into my eyes and I knew he was being honest. He put his hand on my cheek and dried a tear that had fallen. I leaned into his hand and he pulled me into a hug.

Ben's POV
I knew Mal was only being protective. That is why she started asking questions. I dont like dealing with her when she is angry so I answered them instead of arguing, besides, I was telling the truth. I gave Mal a kiss on the fore head and took her hand. I led her to the lake where I had a picnic laid out for us. Her face lit up at how much food there was and I knew she would be happy for at least the next hour.

*Two hours later*
Mal had fallen asleep in my arms about an hour ago. I had laid her on the blanket withe her head on my leg for a pillow. She looks peacful so I laid my head back and felt the warm sun on my face and neck. Suddenly a shadow fell over my face and I almost smacked the person standing there.

Evie's POV
I heard Ben was attacked by Freddie about 3 hours ago, and I was told Mal and Ben had went to the lake after that for dinner. I wanted to be a good friend so I went to the lake to speak with Ben.
"Benjamin! You better have a good explanation for the storues I am hearing about what haopebed between you and Freddie!" I just about screamed in his face, then realized Mal was sleeping on his lap and turned my volume down.
"Evie chill, they are all just stories. I am fine and Mal understands that Freddie kissed me, not the other way around." he said cooly, pushing Mal's hair off of her face. Then he felt her head.
"She feels warm." he sat her up a little and pulled her into his lap. "Mal, baby, can you wake up for me?" he asked patiently. She woke up slowly and pulled a needle out of her leg, what is that and where did it come from?
"What's thi- " and she suddenly faints.
"MAL! WAKE UP!" Was the last thing I heard from Ben before running to get FG.

Sorry about the delay in posting, lost of homework I have been doing. Will post about 5 this weekend. 😘😘 again sorry for the delay hope you can forgive me.

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