Chapter 13- Mal's Confession

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Evie's POV
I ran with FG as fast as I could and brought her to where Mal was lying limp in Ben's arms.
"May I see the dart?" FG asked frantically. Ben picked up the dart carefully so he didnt touch the tip. Fairy Godmother gasped and quickly waved her wand. Suddenly a weird potion appeared.
"Ben, apply this to the wound." FG said. "Evie, stand back. Ben has to do this, it has to be the person she loves most. After you apply is Ben, you have to kiss Mal. The effect of the potion will only kick in if you kiss her." Ben nodded his head and finished applying the potion, which started to look more like a lotion. When he finished he whiped his hands off on his jacket and picked Mal up into his lap.

Ben's POV
I pick Mal up and put her in my lap, I slowly lean in to kiss her and as soon as our lips touch she wakes up and finishes kissing me.
"Ben what happened?" she asked pulling out of the kiss and throwing her arms around me. I was about to respond but Freddie appeared out of nowhere and I protected Mal.
"Well, well, well. It looks like the pretty boy was scared for Mal." she grinned evily and suddenly Anthony appeared out from behind a tree. Evie stepped in front of him.
"Yeah, and I thought she didn't care about anyone, I mean she was always trying to curse people on the island." he scoffed.
"Y-you guys stay away from us." Mal said, this was the first time I have ever heard her scared. I held her tighter and she burried her head into my chest.
"Now, everyone back to campus. I don't want anyone bothering this girl!" FG said sternly and waved her wand. Suddenly we were all in the infirmary, Anthony and Freddie got sent to the school.
"Mal, its ok.. Your safe now." Mal only tightened her grip, sod I carried her over to the bed and sat down with her on my lap. I knew she was crying for the entire front of my shirt was soaked, I didn't care, but I did care that she felt safe.
"Hey, Ben, I am going to set some guards outside her door, only you, Evie, Jay, Carlos, the nurses, and I will be able to get into Mal's Room." Fairy Godmother said.
"Okay thank you... Can you guys give us a few minutes, I want to talk to Mal." I replied.
"Sure, just holler if you need something." FG said and she and Evie left.

Mal's POV
Ben had asked Evie and FG to leave. Good. I dont want them to see me cry. I pulled away from Ben and went into the bathroom. I washed my face then went back out to Ben.
"Ben, they are going to end up killing me." I said when ge looked at me.
"Mal, I swear to you, I will always protect you." he replied.
"Thanks, Ben.. I need to tell you something..." I said remembering my dark past.
"What is it Mal?" he asked. I grabbed his hands and sat down next to him.
"Ben, the reason they are after me, its because I was always getting them into trouble with my mom. They hate me, and they even said the night before we left the island 'Watch your back, Mal, we will get you' and ever since, I have been terrified." I said looking deep into his eyes. He looked back at me and leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back. This was different from any other time, this kiss was deep and meaningful. I didn't want it to end.

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