I'm really hating life right now. Maybe I should just end it. Run into on going traffic. . Catch a grenade. Throw my head on blade, stick a bullet through my brain, Jump in front of a train. All really great options. I rather be murdered by the stalker than commit suicide. It'll hurt less.

I cringe at the thought of everything that's happened to me and my family. I walked down the mountain and stopped half way down I crawled into a little woody area before crawling into the other side one of the best views of LA. I climbed the tree sat on the thick branch.

I looked out at the view. Imagine falling from this high. Before I could even finishing thinking about it. I felt something hold me back.

"God Riker! I knew you were gonna follow me! What's wrong with-" I turned around and looked at the black hoodie.

I was pushed off the branch. I grabbed the branch before I fell. Of course I was an idiot for doing this. The hooded figure started smashing my fingers.

"Vanessa are you down here!" I heard a voice said.


The hooded figure stopped and stared. It looked down at me. I heard another call of my name. I turned around and looked down at Riker.

"What are you doing!" He yelled at me

"I got pushe-" I said looking behind me to find no one there. "He was just here a second ago! I swear to god!" I said holding onto the branch for dear life.

"Let go! I have you" He yelled

"Riker!" I screamed slipping off the branch.

"Just drop!" He told me.

I didn't even intentionally fall I slipped ya know that moment your whole life flashes. Before you? And you remember everything?

Luna owes me 20 bucks.

I braced myself waiting for death to strike. The world seemed to stop going upwards. I opened my eyes and looked up at the sky.

"Still alive" Riker said holding me

"Sadly" I muttered.

"Hey, there will be no intentional deaths okay? What just happened? Were you trying to end yourself?" Asked me.

Does he think I'm suicidal? Sure, I've thought about it a lot but I never considered actually doing it, though.

"The hoodie. It came for me, it pushed me. And when you got here it left!" I said bursting into tears. "Please don't leave me alone again."

"Never." He said hugging me.

Maia's POV

Everyone has gone completely bananas we can't just leave each other alone. God knows another one of us get kidnapped or shot again. I already heard Rydel and Nessa talking about suicide. Not an option.

I got up from the couch and walked to Rocky's room. I didn't even bother to knock. I just walked straight in.

"Rocky!" I said plopping on his bed.

"Yes, princess?" He said turning around and facing me.

"Don't call me that." I warned him. "What are you doing?" I asked him looking at his computer.

"Looking for mom and dad's honeymoon spot. Since we're going I dont want it to be too boring." He said.


"Rocky! That's genius! Where is the one place barely anyone honeymoons?" I asked him.

"Afghanistan?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Canada! We can go to a Ski Lodge, far away from Mr or Mrs. Stalker" I smiled. "Rocky your a genius!" I said kissing him on the cheek and hugging him before running to tell everyone.

Rocky's POV

I touched my cheek before looking at in the mirror.

I didn't hate that.

It is 1:51 am. And I'm updating! Yay me! Lol. I really need to sleep soooooo bye guys. Hope you enjoyed. Ignore any errors I'm sleep as _____ so deal with it. 1 love that is a wrap and zoop.

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