Forcing me to reside to the floor. Still unable to hear anything but that ringing tune, someone kicks me under my chin and my vision blurs. But before completely passing out, I caught a glimpse of Sally, smiling even wider than before.

                            Diane's (POV)

I don't think I'll ever understand this kid. No matter how much I insult and hit him, his following me hasn't stopped. And now he's helping me grocery shop. The only reason I agreed to this by the way, is because I won't have to carry the bags now right?

Why is he doing this though? Probably it's his way of trying to pay back David, helping her friends with whatever he can.

"Hey you!" I call that punk, over to the drinks section.

"My name's-"

"Not interested," I cut him off. Yes, I still don't know his name despite it being a month. Why? Because I simply don't care.

Though it may be rude but, I just hate this guy for some reason. His black hair shaved off from one of the sides in a 'New Trend' style. His blue-green eyes that keep changing. The way he's always dressed in a neat suit and acts so considerate and polite.

I hate everything about him. Especially his strong cologne. Thank God I'm into females, at least they always smell pleasant and fresh.

"Just get the beer," I point to a high shelf that I am not able to reach. Yet, that punk who's probably 18 somehow can. Why are men tall and I've got to be this short. I'm 173 cm, that's not quite short but I wanna be 180 at least. If I marry a girl who's shorter than me, how will we reach a bookshelf? Or the top of the fridge?

"Why are you putting so many?" I question in surprise as he puts a second box into the trolley.

"Huh?" He looks at the box in his hands, "This one's for me." He then smiles and I roll my eyes remembering that I need to buy dog food.

                           David's (POV)

~Name: Heather Wills
Location: We..f.rd ..40
Date of action: April 23 2015
Procedure: .e.. by ...~

"Ughhh!" I grunt touching the back of my head only to feel a surge of pain rush all the way through my head and down to my toes.

"You're finally awake?" I can faintly hear Rose's voice as the pain doesn't seem to subside. Why does-

The events in the cafeteria this morning immediately come back to me and I abruptly grab my jaw. Twisting it in all directions, and then going to the rest of my body. Making sure nothing's broken.

"You're fine," I can clearly hear Rose this time and turn my gaze to her before exploring our location. We're back in the cell and all the lights are off, it must be night already. I was out-cold for so long.

"How did I?"

"I dragged you," Rose answers my question shortly but clearly. But if she dragged me all the way to our cell on her own, then did everyone just leave me there on the cafeteria floor?

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن