My arm moves away from around her, my elbows resting on my knees as I drop my head into my hands.

"You.. My family.." I start but my voice fades off.

"That's why it was so hard for me to be close to you. I have so much guilt because of what I've done Harry. I hate myself for what I've done to your family.. to you."

"That why you f.ucked me?" I raise my head, looking her in the eyes. "Cause you felt guilty over what you were doing?"

"No!" She shakes her head. "Of course not. I.."

"Was this all part of your plan? Making me fall for you?"

"No Harry! That's why I tried to get you to leave! Cause I couldn't go through with it all after you.."

"After I said I was in love with you." I finish for her. "I'd been falling for you and you were just using me. Jesus.. I'm a proper idiot aren't I?"

"No, you're not! I was falling too. Harry..." She pauses, brushing her still wet hair out of her face. "The whole plan with you and Decker, it was never supposed to... Margo promised me it would never be fully completed. The FBI was supposed to get you out the night of the fight, along with Decker, if I'd gotten enough proof by then."

"And if you hadn't?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"I... I don't know. I'd never gotten them to let me in on a plan b if this didn't work out."

"I don't know how to process this." I say truthfully, my mind reeling.

"I'm so sorry." She says quietly, "I know that doesn't mean anything, it's not enough, but I am. I'm truely sorry."

We fall into an uncomfortalbe silence and it's strangly almost deafening. I'm sitting right next to her, yet I've never felt so distant from her.

I feel hurt. And used.

But I also feel an odd sense of relief.

The truth is out, the lot of it. I know why she was always pushing me away, I know why I'd suddenly become of interest to Aiden Carter.

And I know I love her. Still, after everything, I'm in love with her.

I just don't know if I can really trust her again.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I shrug, meeting her gaze. "Everly I... f.uck, this would be alot easier if it was anyone else. I could just walk away and.."

"That's exactly what you should do." She stops me, resting a hand on my arm. "You should get on the next flight out of New York. Do what you should of done hours ago and leave."

"You're right. " I sigh, "I probably should.... But I can't."

"Harry, you can't stay here, it's to dangerous!" Everly shakes her head, her eyes wide as she squeezes my arm.

"Which is exactly why I can't leave you here." I take her hand in mine, "I'm hurt you lied to me. That you've been using me.. That you put my family at risk. But, I also understand why you did it."

"How?" She looks at me dumbfounded.

"You were trying to protect someone you love. And by sending me away you were putting that person at risk, you were putting yourself at risk. You did that for me." I explain softly, "That doesn't make everything right, but it makes it so I can't leave you. My feelings for you haven't changed, not in the least."

"I don't understand how that can be."

"Love doesn't make much sense." I shrug, "But I do need to be assured of a few things going forward."

She nods, urging me to go on.

"No more lies. No more hiding things. I want the truth, no matter what it is. I don't want to be kept in the dark about anything else."


"And we agree to sort this out together. End it together. We agree to handle this, and whatever else comes our way, as a team."


"Promise me Everly."

Her lips form a tight line before she slowly nods. "I promise. I want you to go, so that you can be safe. But if you won't do that, if you insist on staying.."

"I do."

"Then I promise. No more lies. No more hiding things."

"And we're in this together." I prod her.

"We're in this togehter." She agrees.

"You've anything else you need to share with me then?"

"Yes." She admits, "Hand me your phone."

I look at her, confused, as I pull my phone out of my pocket and pass it to her.

She quickly pops the back off, taking out the battery. Her slim fingers fumble with the phone before producing a tiny round black disk.

"It's a tracking device." She explains, dropping it into my open hand. "I put it on your phone the night before we met."

I turn it over in my hand, studying it. "How did you.."

"I snuck into your locker at the gym and placed it."

Looking up at her, I raise my eyebrowns. "That why Nate said he'd seen you before? You were the blonde he saw talking to Dorothy."


"Carter knows I'm here right now?" I question, looking back down at the tracking device.

"No. I... I sort of deactivated it."


"The night you first took me to your spot overlooking Manhattan Bridge."

"That was ages ago." I glance up at her. "Carter didn't question it?"

"Of course he did. I just said there must of been something wrong with the tracker."

"Why'd you disable it?"

"Cause I had a feeling I wasn't going to be able to stay away from you."

"Yeah?" I look into her blue eyes, noticing a smile finally curving up the corners of her mouth.

"Yeah." She nods.

I can't help but lean forward, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Feeling relief wash over me when she returns the light pressure.

I cup her face with my right palm, leaning into her just a bit and deepening the kiss before I pull away.

"Carter let me go for a reason." She says suddenly, her voice a bit panicked, "He knows you're still in New York."

"He knew I would come for you." I add, thinking over our options.

I stand up, pulling her up with me. "Pack a bag. I need to get you out of here."


"I know a place he can't find us." I cut her off. "Now hurry."

She nods, starting down her hallway towards her bedroom.

"Keep it small." I call after her. "We'll be on my bike."

"Where are we going?" She stops, looking back at me.

"Somewhere safe. Don't worry, he's expecting us."

So Harry knows! What do you think of his reaction???

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