We Need A Doctor

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You guys, this is not another chapter. Wattpad was being stupid with the song so I had to publish it again.


While months keep passing, everything get worse. Larry still continued forcing me to have sex with him and these few months, the sex got worse and more demanding. The thought of my brother not hitting me because he loves me too much to ever hurt me left long ago. I have so many scars and bruises on my back, stomach, and my chest then a couple of hickeys some places around my body. It's time to call a doctor. I looked for a doctor who works in these kinds of problems.

~Middle of Phone Convo~

Laurent- *finishes explaining everything*
Doctor- Well how long has it been happening?
Laurent- Even more now and he's getting stronger and stronger day by day. My body is covered in scars and bruise.
Doctor- We don't know because it should have worn off by now but the fact that it's doing the complete opposite is really dangerous especially since his attraction is on you and you live in the same house.
Laurent- You don't have anything that can stop it?
Doctor- No, we haven't come up with one yet...
Laurent- Okay thank you so much...

~End Convo~

I'm really scared right now. He's getting stronger and stronger, my body already hurts bad and maybe look as bad it hurt or worse. I no could help it and I started to cry. What can I do to help him? There's no cure.... The only cure would be... No!!!! I no can do that! I no can live without my other half! I no can do it!


Boss: "That sounds good. Keep up the good work and you get another reward." He said as I got up about to walk away from our meeting.

I hate that I have to do this... What did I get myself into? I have to tell Lau soon... But how will he take it? I no mean to hurt him the way I do. I no can help it... My craving for him just get stronger and stronger. It no like I do this to hurt him. I just no can help it... When I'm near him, I no can control. Everything takes over. I left the building and started walking home. When I was walking through the dark alley, three people walked to me and I pause in confusion.

??: "We know who you work for." A guy's voice said.

Larry: "What do you mean?" I ask trying no to blow my cover since this business is top secret.

???: "Don't act dumb. We also know your one of his favorite.... Larry Bourgeois.." Another male voice comes out and I know it won't work to act dumb.

????: "And we know since you're his favorite, that means you're first." They all sound so familiar but I don't remember who they can be...

Larry: "What do you want from me? And what do you mean I'm first?" I ask trying not to show my nervousness since we were alone and it was already dark.

??: "Ooh funny you asked. By first, we mean you're first to die." He says and after I hear that, I try to make a running escape but I wasn't ready for what I had coming towards me. I heard two gun shots and the next think I knew, everything would be over...


I was still crying and waiting for Larry to come home and out of no where, I hear two gun shots and I jump up and run out to the balcony getting worried since Larry is still out there. But what if-- No Laurent!!! No think like that! Larry is fine! Wait but where is he? Laurent, stop worry so much... After a couple of minutes, I see police cars, motorcycles, and vans and a ambulance passing the house speeding with the lights flashing. I then start to panic then I call Larry. The phone was ringing for a while but I got an answer. Right when I thought I would hear Larry's voice, I heard someone extremely different.

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