I'm not sure I like this pregnancy lark.

Reaching Mum and Dad’s place, we walk in. Yes I still have my own key. Well I'm going to be a frequent visitor so I might as well have one.

Mum comes out of the lounge room when she hears the door open. The first thing she does is embrace me and whisper in my ear, "Is it confirmed yet?"

She's such a typical mother. She's probably been thinking about this for weeks. Oh god. Does that mean I'm going to be like her when my child gets to this point in life? Probably. Then again, that’s at least 20 years away. There’s no point in thinking about that. Maybe I can find a way to stop it.

Finally I nod then whisper back, "We've come over to announce it officially. Don't say anything yet."

Mum nods but I can see her eyes shining from excitement. I'm going to have to be quick because she won't stay quiet long.

In a louder voice I say, "Mum, Nancy's back."

Nancy steps out from behind me. Mum gasps in surprise and embraces her. She calls out to dad and he appears from the lounge. Upon seeing Nancy he breaks out in a grin and comes up to embrace her. She's just like another daughter to them.

"I thought you were gone for good?" Dad asks.

"I was but we've had a change of plans. Oh and this is my boyfriend, Jason. He was the bus driver on our tour."

"Oh yes, Emily told us about you." Mum said.

Jason glares at me and I give him the sweetest smile I can muster. “Nothing but good things of course.”

“Come into the lounge.” Mum enthuses, ushering everyone in and winking at me. “I’ll put the kettle on.”

We sit down and make small talk while Mum busies herself in the kitchen. I’m trying to find the right moment to make the announcement. We’re still excited Nancy and Jason are here so I don’t want to steal the limelight away from them. Then there’s the apprehension of actually coming out and saying it. I’ve never realised how difficult it is to come out and say ‘I’m pregnant’. It shouldn’t be difficult but I feel like I’m confessing to a murder. I’ll see where the conversation leads.

When Mum returns there’s a sudden uncomfortable silence in the lounge. I quickly realise Nancy and I both have announcements to make. She and Jason are quietly talking to each other and she looks nervous. Sam is giving me a look as if to say ‘say something now’, Mum is ogling at me and Dad is staring off into space. This is probably the first time we’ve experienced this sort of silence. It is very coincidental that it has to happen when Jason is here. I hope he doesn’t think it’s him. That would be awkward.

Finally the silence is broken when Sam clears his throat. All heads turn to look at him and I realise he’s waiting for no one. I look at him pleadingly, silently begging him to hold off because I wasn’t ready but he just shook his head. Well I suppose he has a right to say something but I’m a nervous wreck. It’s stupid really. I mean it’s not a bad announcement.

“We have a small announcement.” Sam finally says.

Small? I look at him with raised eyebrows and he laughs then continues by saying, “Ok perhaps it’s not so small.” He trails off for effect then says, “We’re going to have a baby.”

There it’s out.

As I wait for everyone’s reaction, I feel like I did at the school play. Waiting for the applause, hoping they enjoyed it. In this case I’m waiting for a reaction, hopefully a positive one. Mum is practically beaming, Dad looks shocked and Jason and Nancy? Well, they are both staring at us in disbelief.

Book Two - Just Enjoying My Life.... Right? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now