Chapter 51 - Quiet home thrill.

Start from the beginning

Turning his hand over, she intertwining their fingers before rubbing her thumb over his anchor tattoo. Smiling, she looked up and around the room. "Well, only had sex twice within...four months of seeing each other again" Michael nodded. "That. Is a record!" Tori laughed and pointed. "We're getting better" He told her, before kissing her head.

Tori smiled and nodded before sighing. "Hmm...I'm hungry" Tori spoke. "You must be reading my mind" Michael chuckled. "How come we get hungry afterwards?" Tori then asked, before they laughed. "I could make something?" Tori suggested. "Or we could order pizza. The guys wont be back till later, since they've went to the club" He nodded.

"Ugh, after everything with you" Tori sighed. "Forget it. I'm here with you, with no alcohol." He smiled, as he hugged her closer. "Did someone say pizza?" She turned to him. "Pepperoni, or half chilli chicken?" Michael asked. "Ahh, get pepperoni." Tori sighed, as she left Michael's grip and turned to the edge of the bed.

Bending over, she looked for her underwear before grabbing them from the floor. "Mmm, could just eat you again....?" Michael smirked. "I prefer the pizza" Tori mocked, before she slid her legs into them and stood up. Looking around, she grabbed Michael's shirt before putting it over her head and sliding it on.

"How come my shirts always look better on you?" Michael smiled. "Um..maybe because you dont look at the shirt, you look at my boobs poking through" She nodded. "Hm. Caught me" Michael joked, before sitting up and grabbing a pair of sweatpants. Tori headed towards the door, and turned to see Michael grabbing his flannel.

"Hey...." She made him turn to her. "Leave it never do" She smiled. "But..." Michael began, but Tori stared at him. Putting on his flannel, he left it open giving her a satisfied look. "Happy?" He mocked, walking over to her. "Your sexy that way" Tori told him, before pecking his lips and they walked downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen, Michael called and ordered up the pizza. Tori took two glasses, and filled one up with water before she sipped some. Pouring the rest out, she then took soda before pouring some into the glasses and taking them over to the counter where Michael sat.

"Mmm" Michael smiled, as he wrapped his arms around Tori and pulled her close. Resting his head against her chest, she ran her fingers through his hair. "So back to performing like nothing happened" Tori nodded. "Nothing did happen" Michael smiled. "I swear, you are not touching alcohol at all when I'm around!" Tori warned him making him chuckle.

"I promise" He looked up at her, mocking a little. "No, I'm serious" Michael then nodded. "Your giving me soda, rather than mineral and sparkling water!" He nodded. "I can take it away" Tori told him. "No! I'm old enough to drink it" He whined, before laughing. Michael ran his hands down Tori's back, and onto her butt.

"Getting too comfortable" Tori told him. "We were already way more than comfortable" He nodded, before squeezing a little "Mikey!" Tori laughed, just as the door went. "That'll be the pizza" He nodded, as he stood. He rested a simple soft kiss, on her forehead before walking out the kitchen. Tori sighed, as she smiled.

Her phone began to ring.

Turning, she took it from the counter and answered.

' Hello? ' She asked.

' Hey baby, it's me! ' Ryan told her.

Tori's eyes widened as she heard his voice.

' Ryan! Hey...! ' She trailed off.

' How you doing? ' He asked her.

' Um... not bad! How are you? ' She asked.

' Awesome...I have great news ' He told her.

' You do? ' Tori asked, as she turned and saw Michael walking back into the kitchen opening the pizza box he held.

' Your in California right? ' Ryan asked.

' Yeah, LA ' Tori nodded, which made Michael frown a little.

' Well we're driving through San Diego. I'm coming to see you, on Sunday! ' He told her, excited.

' in...two days? ' She asked him.

' Yeah. Oh babe, I cant wait to see you. Hold you...kiss you... ' He spoke more quietly, yet seductively down the phone.

Looking at Michael, he sat munching on a slice of pizza with messy hair, and a cute smile.

' Thats...'

' Great! Right? ' Ryan chuckled.

' Yeah! Course... ' Tori nodded. Ryan was about to start talking again but Tori cut him off.

' Uh Ryan...could you call back later? I'm waiting on the woman from my article to call? ' Tori asked.

' Oh yeah sure! No problem. I'll call you later babe, I miss you. ' Ryan told her.

' Okay, you too...see ya ' Tori then hung up and looked at Michael.

"...Ryan..." He sighed, nodding. "He's...coming here" She turned to him. "What?" He stared at her. "On Sunday, he's driving up here. He's driving through San Diego" She told him. "Oh. Well, thats cool right?" He nodded. "What?" Tori asked. "You get to see your...boyfriend" He grinned, falsely.

"Mikey...have you forgotten the last...two hours?" She asked him. "No. I cant forget that. I dont want too either...but it'll be cool for you two to see each other" Michael nodded. "I cant tell if your kidding or...?" Tori looked at him.

"Pizza's getting cold" He took another slice, and left into the lounge. "Hey!" Tori followed him. "Why the sudden cold turn? Your shutting me out" She told him. "You've just got a call from your boyfriend, telling you he's coming to see you..." Michael looked at her. "Yeah, after I slept with you!" Tori told him. "Okay, fine. Thats cheating but..." Michael began.

"Mikey...." Tori sighed, shaking her head. "Hm?" He asked. "Does this face look excited?" She pointed to her face. "....I'm sorry" Michael then nodded. "That was uncalled for" He sighed. "I dont know...what to do or say" She shook her head, trying to think. "Dont worry Tori. Like you said...this is nothing. He's driving up here to see you, look forward to it" He then nodded, before walking out.

Tori heard him walk up the stairs, and she sighed as she sat on the sofa. This was messed up.

Is drama going to start?? I'll update again soooooon :)  ~ Chez.

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