Watch it, I'll watch you <3

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I want you to look to the sky, find a star.

Hold that star, watch it shine.

Just know that when I look to the sky.

I'll be seeing the same star.

And I know that this is it.

But I have to go.

I know that I'll never be here again.

But I'll be watching the same sky.

When you want to give up.

Feel like it's the end.

Imagine me sitting beside you.

Then look up to the sky, and watch that sky.

The chances are.

I'll be looking at the same star.

Even though I'm not here, and never will be again.

Just know that I'm looking at that beacon.

Just think, ill be looking at the same sky.

You won't know where I am, and I know it'll be hard.

But don't give up, you can't.

Watch that star, remember I'm watching over you.

Even when I'm not here.

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