Don't need to

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I'm in a very poemish mood at the moment, this is written to people I know in here.... Yes I won't point them out... They know who they are...

You shouldn't do this.

I've told you over and over it's not right.

I've told you to stop.

I've told you to fight.

I know you want to but don't

You won't just be hurting yourself

You'll be hurting everyone around you

Not to mention your health

So put down the temptation

And look at who you are

Look at the person that stands before you

You can really go far

Just so you know I will always be here

Helping you through the rough times in life

Telling you that you don't need to do it

That You don't need that knife

And even when you loose all hope

I'll still be here to help you out

To stop your ongoing struggle

To erase all thoughts of doubt

I just thought that you should know

No matter what they do

No matter what they say

They can never really harm you. <3


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