"He had three other women living in his house that he was.. that he is f.ucking?"

"Yeah, they all had their reasons for it. Maya.. she had been living on the street. Carter kind of rescued her I guess you could say. She was actually in love with him. Bridge was basically using him for his money. And Margo was just doing her job."

"Her job?" Harry asks, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"I'll get to that soon." I assure him. "When I found out about them, that was definately the last straw. I'd already decided I couldn't live like that, my every move and decision being made for me. And then I found out about them and I was done. He tried to convince me I was special, I had priviledges the other girls didn't. It was f.ucked up, but I think he actually believed what he was saying. I think in his own way, he was actually in love with me. At least as much as he can be. But of course, that wasn't enough for me. It shouldn't be for anyone. So I broke up with him. Well, I tried. He made sure that wasn't possible."


"By bringing someone else I love into the equation."


"His name is Reid." I look away from Harry, blinking away the tears that are threatening to break free.

"You love him?" Harry questions, his voice thick with hurt.

"Yes." I nod. "Of course I do."

"F.uck." Harry rubs his hand over his face as he sighs deeply. "I get it now."

"No, you don't." I shake my head, making him look up at me. "It isn't like that."

"Then how is it?" He shrugs. "He's who you were wanting to leave New York with yeah? Not me, him."

"Yes, but.."

"But nothing. I get it alright?" He looks away from me, looking utterly defeated.

"Harry.. he's my brother."

His eyes snap up, meeting mine. "Your.. Your brother?"

"My twin brother." I elaborate.

A look of relief washes over Harry, his shoulders instantly relaxing. "You serious?"


"Jesus Christ.." He exhales. "This is what this is all about for you? Saving your brother?"

"It started out that way, but now.. it's so much more."

"How did your brother get involved?"

"When my father died, he kind of went off the deep end. He disappeared. I didn't know where he was, or how to reach him. He just left." I take a breath. "He had a habit of going off on trips with his friends, never letting our father or I know where he was. So honestly at the time I didn't think much of it. I was hurt and angry I had to deal with that all alone, but I figured that's what he needed to do to be able to deal with it."

I pause, looking down at my hands resting in my lap briefly. "Carter made it seem like Reid approached him, looking for work over in Europe. I know now that's not true, Carter sought him out the same as he did me."

"So he has your brother?"

"Yes." I nod. "When I tried to break up with him, he said there was something I needed to see before I made my decision. He showed me a video.. It was of Reid. He was..."

My voice fades off as a few tears slide down my cheeks, my fingers instantly moving up to wipe them away.

"Hey..." Harry moves towards me, taking a seat next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "You don't need to get into that alright?"


"After you saw it, what happened?" He gently prods.

"I had no choice but to stay with him. Pretending to be happy with this.. this monster." I shake my head in disgust. "I couldn't let him hurt Reid because of me."

"I understand." Harry rubs a warm hand comfortingly up and down my arm.

"It was later that same week that Margo approached me, asking for my help. I think she knew something had changed."

"Your help?"

"My help with completing her mission. Margo is working undercover." I explain, "She's an FBI agent."

"S.hit." Harry shakes his head in disbelief. "That's why you went to FBI headquarters that day?"

"Yes. They had recruited me to help them bring Carter in. Their end goal is for him to be behind bars, his whole organization brought down. I had known his business practices were questionable before, but after Margo filled me in, I was shocked at what kind of person Carter truly is. The things he is involved in are horrific. So of course I agreed to help them. For all the people he's made suffer, for all those he's murdered, and for Reid."

"And you really don't think you're a good person?" Harry asks quietly. "Every, that's.. an extremely selfless thing to do."

"I'm not finished." I frown, meeting his gaze. "And this is where I'm afraid your view of me is going to change."

So sorry I ended it there but I wanted to give you guys an update today! Finally you know who Reid is!! Who do you think should play him?

Please vote and comment!!

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