Chapter 28. 2

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I don't understand what was happening. All the heroes were just standing yet obviously alarmed and cautiont. In front of us was a man with hair white as snow and gold eyes as if they were eyes of a snake.

My system is no longer responding properly as I merely look at Hana, she had her memories back and I could have probably say that he went through a worst childhood back then.

She's crying, she's shacking as if she realize something that is beyond fearsome. I wanted to comfort her but my body would not move.

"Would you like to know more about Hana?" Rafaela spoke, a devilish smile is painted on his face. It was as if he had succeeded on something that I don't know. He chuckled before letting out a loud laugh. "Or should I call her..."

"The queen of thorns?" Now Hana looks like.

"Do you remember it now Catty?" The villain laugh all over again. I wantbto do something for Hana, I need to do something for her yet my system wouldn't reply to my plead... I can't move, my core feels like it had went through complication.

"Hana! What's wrong with you?!" I took a step but was taken a back when I realized that she gave off a type of feeling... A type of feeling that she doesn't want me to go near her.

Hana... What's wrong? I'm going crazy just thinking about it.

What's wrong?

"Four years ago... Doesn't that sound so familiar Ge-nos-san?" I look straight into Rafaela's eyes, shock as the memories of my family dying before me flash into my mind. The image of me waking up not knowing which among those scattered corpse is my mom, dad and Gess. Up until now I still don't know..."Four years ago, Catty fell into a deep depression and wanted to kill herself..."

Why would she?

Information, theories and data flood into my brain and yet I still don't know what the hell I should do.

"She almost jump off a cliff, drank a poison and slit her wrist... She was misserable." Why would she? The question repeatedly rang into my mind as if my brain has been damage. "Catty was all I had left..."

"I couldn't afford her dying and I wanted her to be happy." Is that the reason why you changed her memories? "So I erassed her memories..."

"The memories of her rebelling againts the scientist to save me..."

I glance at Hana as it seems like she's silently screaming.

"The memory in which she push the red botton..."

"Which set free to a certain cyborg..."

A cyborg? Four years ago... It can't be...

"A cyborg which slaughered everyone he sees... " my system stop responding to my brain. He is not trying to say it... No that can't be the meaning... I'm over thinking..."And left nothing but a young boy..."

"Under the name of Genos as a survivor." That sent shivvers through my spines, I felt like my world had crumbled as my core is no longer functioning normally, my brain is going wild as well.

She didn't...

"Uwaa! Genos-san are you alright?"

He's lying...

"Thank you for saving me..."

There's no way she did.


My memories of being with Hana was replace with the memories of four years ago.

That cyborg...

She set it free...

Queen Of Thorns: (One-Punch-Man: Genos X OC)Where stories live. Discover now