Chapter 5

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"Hana! Genos! You should see this!" Saitama-san called as I and Genos san went out of our room. Kind of weird to say that aloud. The our room I mean....

"All of us is probably curious about what's happening to the heros we idolize right?" A girl smiled at the T.V. screen. I could swear that the light of the televesion is reflecting on his shiny head.

Must. Not. Laugh.

"Well today we heard a new of one of our favourite hero having a girlfriend~..." while the host is taking her time, I drank the tea on the table. I just stared uninterested at the beautiful black haired girl smiling. "Our Demon Cyborg, Genos has been sighted with a rather lovely girl."

I choke in the tea, spitting it all over Saitama-san's shiny head. Hhe gave me a 'seroously?' Face. "I'm so sorry!"

Who the hell wouldn't choke seeing your face on the news!?!

"Pictures of the two has been spreading like wild fire in the net! Many had ask does our Genos really had a girlfriend? Could a cyborg really have some feelings?" Stupid netizens! I want to clarify things to! "All of it remains a mystery as one of our very popular hero stays behind the camera..."

"Not only that, our very own Amai Mask had also seen these two together! I'm rather surprise." Oh God no... What does he even think of us?!"it appeares to me that luck is by our side that we have Sweet Mask as our guess~..."

Thus girls went screaming. My ears hurt. As expected from Amai mask. The most popular hero that ever exist.

"I appreciate it that you invited me." You say so? Heard that actors don't usually like left and right interviews. He's just waaaay to popular. I wonder how tight his schedules are.

"I'll be quite straight to the point Sweet Mask, what was your reaction seeing these two together?" I am literally biting my thumb's nail out of being nervous.

"Well , I was around the area when I saw them together. I was quite curious seeing Genos with a girl s so I ended up glancing at them from time to time." Okay, who wouldn't be curious? Aftrt all Genos is a S-class hero.

"Could you perhaps say something romantic is going on between them~?" There was none, just him placing a hairpin on my head. Yep, nothing romantic.

"I doubt it, yes they are close I can say. But I heard the girl calling Genos 'nii' so it might be they're siblings, or they're just close."

"What are your comments about the girl?"

"Well, she's quite a beauty if given a chance, it would be a pleasure of mine to know her better....not to mention despite of being a girl she manage to beat a 'tiger' class monster, even if I wasn't able to see her in action I'm impressed."

"Someome as her is needed by the association."

"I'm sure this girl might hear about this, do you have any message?"

"Hmm... 'Hana' as what Genos called you, I had seen that you're rather capable of being a hero. I would like to invite you to join the heros association."

"I look forward of seeing you again." I look forward to it to!

"Well that's all about Genos how about~~" and all I heard next is a blah de blah de blah.

"Genos-san can you tell them that I'm not your girlfriend?" He merely blink staring at me. I'm sure that he'll say no.

"I refuse to face the camera." Of course.

"But Hana, It's a great opportunity....Amai Mask is the Heroes Association's director you'll probably have special treatment." Genos said as it took me a while to get what he meant. Of course, I want to be a hero. Having influence with the director is a huge help. "I'll go with you tomorrow."

"Wait... Genos." I look at him, quite nervous of every possible scenario that might happen tomorrow. Like girls... Umm girls... Cruely treating me.

It will be chaos.

"We need a disguise." As much as I don't want girls glaring at me. I can't imagine more piles of misunderstanding in the TV. They all blink look at me.

the following day, i wore a blonde wig, Genos-san had his hair black, wearing a pair of glasses. And I didn't know that Saitama-san would look handsome in that brown wig.

"I don't know why I should wear a disguise despite of me being not so popular." Saitama-san said, fixing his wig. It's just an excuse so I can see him with some hair on. I regret nothing...

"It looks actually cool on you~!" I beamed as Genos nodded. I think he was flattered by my comment.

"I could ask doctor for hair implantation master." Now Saitama-san looks pissed.

"Shaddap." Just agree Saitama-san~! I'm sure you're not happy with your shiny head.

"Let's go?" Genos-san said as I excitedly nodded.

"Yosh! I'm finally gonna be a hero!" Saitama-san then ruffled my hair.

"Do your best out there." I wide smile is later painted across my face as I nodded.


The walk was fun, I was manipulating some roots to capture a certain thief. They were hanging down the tree as I and Saitama-san had a high five.

Then we arrive at the examination place. I remove the wig as Genos-san did the same, some of the examiners knew him. the girls in the area even glared at me as I kept my distance away from Genos-san.

"You don't have to remove the wig Saitama-san~!" I sing-sang as he momentarily glared at me. I just laugh, Genos-san finally getting out from his swarm of fangirls.

"I don't need any hair at all." Although he's not throwing the wig away. Tehehehe.

"Oh, you actually came." The voice spuns oso familiar. A mop of blue hair took my very attention, yes i know this guy. Lo and behold! Amai Mask. "Miss...?"

"Hana, Hana Flowers." I smiled as he held my hand kissing it, as my face burned crimson red. i receive more glares. Ugh...

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I don't know what to say anymore. Not a word came into my mind of whatever I may reply to him.

"Sweet Mask, please don't flirt with Genos' Hana." And thus Genos tackled Saitama-san to shut up as my face is still burning. He is not my boyfriend! And I'm definitely not his!


"Oh so he really is your boyfriend."

"Nn-no! He's just my mentor!" I tried to defend myself from the further misunderstanding, i don't want more glares from die-hard fangirls. He merely smiled as I regained my composure nack.

"Aren't you interested in having one Miss. Hana?" okay I'm blushing again. My imagination going wild, the other meaning from his statement 'to me' is. Aren't you interested in having a boyfriend like me? Miss Hana?

"No, I'm not into having handsome boyfriends." Because the last time I remembered, he broke my heart. That jerk, that coward who later ran away!

"Who so?" Should I reply?

"I'm traumatize... One broke my heart after all." Just a little details will do.

"Eh? Who is it Hana! Genos said he'll beat him!" Saitama-san needs to shut up..

"Shall we begin the exam then?" Sweet mask finally ask as I grew quite excited. I held my hand up in the air, as a rose turned into a bracelet around my wrist. It's vines curled through my arm. "If you'd impress me then I might let you in the A class."

"Are you ready Miss. Hana?"

"Beyond ready..." A smile was painted across my face, I'm getting all pump up!


An action scene is next, I don't know if it will be good though...

I'm never good at writing action scenes, but loves how my mind goes. Hope you'd enjoy this and next chapter! :-3

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