Chapter 1

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My lids flew open as I woke up through the sun's harsh rays. My body hurts, it feels heavy as I realize I'm in a white room. A white room? A hospital?

"Oh you're awake." A male voice made me turn my head to my side, my sight is quite blurry for some reason so I can't see him properly. I tried to squiz my eyes to see him properly, but all that I can see is a blurry mop of blonde hair.

"Thank you." I blink a couple of times seeing a blonde guy in front of me. Wait... He doesn't look like a real guy to me.... With that mechanical system he's not even a human, a cyborg? And he looks awfully familiar... I continued my brainstorming wondering where I saw this guy before.

"Umm for what?" I ask not knowing what else should I say. I had no idea why he's thanking me, or how he's with me. Had I fainted earlier? And am I in a hospital? What am I doing in-.

Things flash into my mind quickly, a giant lizard, buildings crumbling and my family dying as blood splattered from left to right even on my face... This guy tried to save us, as he was lossing I grew desperate to help him, those thorns I made were really scary to look at. Was I capable of doing such monsterous thing?

A flower wilted beside me, no... It's a group of flowers in a flower vase, I got startled assuming that I uncounciously killed them using my power. Those lovely flowers shouldn't die! With my power they should live! "Wah-! Don't die!" I lifted a finger as the flowers bloom back from it's former glory, I just realize how these flowers are colorful and beautiful. Daisies, ah I had always like daisies.

"I never seen a type of power like that." He uttered out of the blue as I look back at him, no scientist can explain it after all. He's staring at me deeply, and I don't know why I can't swallow a lump down my throat... He looks really really familar!

Wait. I saw his face on magazines back then. A hero's magizine?

Rank 14 Genos, the demon cyborg... I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! An S class hero is before me?!

"I was born with it, I supposed?" I uttered as the flower sooner bloomed fully than before. Somehow the flowers cheered me up a little. "It's called 'life manipulation' although it can only be applied on plants."

"You save me with that..." He said as my heart sank. I manage to save him, even he's a stranger to me. But my family...

Hana! Run!

"But.... I wasn't able to save my family with it..." I bit my lower lip, soft sobs filling the room. I shouldn't be crying in front of a complete stranger. What will he think later on?! That I'm a cry baby?

"Don't blame yourself," He uttered as I look into his weird colored eyes, weird I said but it made him look more attractive to me. His fangirls will kill me if they found out that he's with me. Pretty much likely, the girls in my class squeals over him and sweet mask? Whoever that is, his name repeatitive .

"Shouldn't you live on for your family?" Ouch, just when I thought of having a suicide. About hanging muself on those vines I grow. Or maybe jump off a cliff

"I... I'm just wondering how..." I want to stop the tears. His words saying that I save him rung into my mind repeatedly. Save him, i just didn't want to see blood back then any further, even I'm sure Genos had no blood to shred at all.

I'm quite hesitant, but as they say... Hindrance won't bring you further.

"That's it!" I tried to pull a smile, in my own way I'm sure I can do something about these monters! "Mister, can you help me with this power?"

"I don't know how I could help you to be honest." He replied, of course he's a robbot I'm a human who can manipulate life. How could those two be related? Plants are natural, mechanical is human made.

"Up until now, all I thought is I can only grow flowers, vegetables. Eventually it was proven wrong after I save you." I said letting one of the flowers stem grew long as it's stem curled around me arm. Then from 12 flowers it turned 39. "If I train a little harder I might grow stronger."

"I just don't want to see blood anymore..." I said clutching unto the sheets as In saw an image of my mother under those heavy boarders. My father's arm was the only thing I can see after rocks had fell over him. My heart felt like it was clench.

"I don't know if I can help you much... " he said as I felt like my heart sank a little bit waaay to deeper. Just when I finally found something where I could manage to live on. "But I'm sure I could find a way."

"You don't have a home to go now right?" He said as I blink. The lizard's tail destroy our home along with my family's lives. I don't know any of my distant relatives so yeah... I had nowhere to go at all. "If I could convince master maybe you can live with us."

"Re-really?! You have a master! Is he stronger than you?!" He pulled a smile, it's actually my first time seeing him smile. If I was a fangirl I might have already fainted. I must admit, he looks handsome. He should be Cyborg Prince instead of Demom Cyborg.

"Probably, if he just cares about the rank he might be in the top 5 of the S class heroes." He said, I remembered that I saw glimps of a bald guy punching the lizard earlier, was it him? He took it down in one punch, that an S class hero couldn't take down at all. "I wish to be stronger so I ask to be his disciple."

"By the way, My name is Genos and you are?" I know your name, but it's quite rude to say that. So I just smiled recalling the name my family gave me.

"Hana Flowers."


And so... There goes the first chapter I hope you like it! Even it's kind of boring XD.

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