Chapter 7

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Few papers were place right in front of me as I was designinh my hero's outfit. I look up to see Genos-san looking straigh into my eyes as I blink. "What are these Genos-san?"

Report card, birth certificate, transferee papers and others. These things are all recomended so I can go to school! "I want you to finish your studies."

I blink, my world slowly crumbling apart. I don't like school, there are rules, short skirts, perverts, bullies, strict teacher and fake friends. Yes I don't want to go to school!

"But Genos-san! It's not that necessary! With me being at the hero's Association I'll be fine!" I said but the way he cross his arms tells me that I am left without a choice. Now I can see glimps of my uniform close by.

"Since you're a hero I brought you 20 pairs in cse you get into fights." There are only a few words that entered my mind as I saw the uniform.

"How on earth did you get my three sizes?!?" Did he try to find that out in my sleep? No... Genos-san is not a pervert!

"From your P.E. teacher on your last school." I face palmed, I had only one choice left... Even others say that people aren't left without a choice.

And that choice is...

Give up...

"You will take an exam tomorrow to catch up from your 2 months of absence. I will help you review as you and Master and I will send you to school the following day." He said placing about ten thick books before me. Like a strict older brother... Not that I'm complaining...

It's actually nice. "As of now..."

Few papers fell before me. "Let's review."

Something tells me that I can't find an excuse to get out of here. It was nice how he could effortlessly simplify all the formulas.

Genos-san is without a doubt a good teacher. I even called him sensei a couple of times. We had a review the whole afternoon, at 6 p.m. he left me to answere a couple of problems to solve, and questions to answer as Saitama-san called him.

Without eating dinner. I fell asleep sitting on the floor my head over the table. The papers were all answered...

~11: 48 p.m.

The ticking clock woke me up. I was already in my room by then. Did Genos-san carry me here?

The image of him carrying me bridal style as he place a blanket over me flashed in my mind. I blush furiously at the though. Why are their sparkling things, blooming roses at the backround!?

I later notice a pile of paper on the table beside my bed. The first paper on the pile took my very attention. I pick it up realizing it's a letter.

Woaw... What a bautiful handwriting.

'Hana, the association called, I and Master are out at the moment so don't worry much.

I had finish correcting the papers, you did all of it well... Except Math...

What did I expect? It's math after all..

So on, i calculated that you might wake up around 12 so I left some food on your table.

See you this morning Hana.


I look at the papers, i got 78 on math... The others are 80 and above, my highest is 87. Fair enough. I didn't got a ninety...
I'm not that smart after all, but with Genos-san as a teacher I'll have fine grades before I graduate from Senior High.

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