Chapter 10

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I was so popular through the campus, much as many wants to take a picture with me, and others ask for a photograph. I was like a different girl from few days ago.

I'm alright now. with the helps of the herbal plants, I got healed a little bit too quickly. The infornation I got from the book I memorise for 6 week was worth it! *book of herbs and poisonous plants*

"Hana-chan!" I turned my head to see Akane running toward my direction. "Let's walk out of the school together!"

"Sure, but I left a few things in the locker, mind going with me?" I smiled as she nodded. We talk endlessly across the hallway as some greeted me along the way.
Others spoke to Akane about some school activities as I waited for her patiently.

We arive and...

As I open the locker...

Papers fell... More like love letters.

"O' sweet angel,
Thy beauty is incomparably,
Thy snow white locks made fell inlove,
As warm lovely eyes thee pocess made me a prisoner,
Shall thee be my love?"

Who's reading it?! I look around seeing Saitama-san reading the letters aloud as Genos-san was silently reading all of it. "Who are these dorks I will exterminate them."

"Wah! Genos-san! Saitama-san! Those are for me!" I grab the papers from their hand putting them all in my bag, embarrassed of what Saitama-san just recited.
Akane just giggled from behind me.

"You're getting tons of admirers Hana." Saitama-san said still reading a letter he got from me, but he's reading it silently.

"Who are these dorks? I'll exterminate them." The boys in the area began to sweat bullets.

"Just a bunch of admirers Genos-san, none of them are my boyfriend and I'm not planning in getting one." I don't want to get hurt all over again.

"Oh, by the way. This is Akane Mizuhara-san, a close friend of mine." I smiled gesturing the two to look at Akane. They shared a really short conversation as I then. I then realize something important.

"By the way." I started off looking up to my two co-heroes. "Why are you here?"

A short silence as Saitama-san glance at Genos-san. "To give you this."

The blonde cyborg handed me a silver envelop as I blink. It has a blue diamond like seal with two letters saying, 'H.A.' enjoying the paper's scent, I opened it.

"It's a party!" I said my jaws hanging agape, a party of S class and A class heroes! Plus the top ten of the B class and C class' top 5! It's my chance to meet Terrible Tornado and Blizzard, two gifted heroes! Wah! I admire Tatsumaki-san a lot!

"We're also invited, not to mention Genos had one of your drawings as your gown for tonight." I could have sworn I'm so happy! Saitama-san looks so uninterested though, Genos-san is a very serious person so I doubt he'll be taking this party seriously...

"How about this, we'll send this friend of yours to her house before picking the suits." I nodded, excited for tonight.

"I'm a bit pressured but hell yeah!" I fist bump into the air.


The cocktail was without a doubt, elegant. It was strapless, above the knee, dark blue in color, a black ribbon tied around it's waist as it was shimmering from a bunch of diamonds... I'm sure they're still high class gems, not diamonds exactly... Those are too expensive. The dress was inspired from the hairpin Genos-san gave.

In case of emergency, I made two blue roses grow on the hairpin. I can only manipulate plants, change it's appearance and such but I can't make them appear out of thin air so it's better to have a plant nearby.

I am also very surprise... Saitama-san is Blizzard's escort... Eep!

And me... Well me...

I don't know why Gonos-san looks so God damn handsome today. The left side of his bangs were held back and I don't know how such simple hairstyle made him look so... So... Hot... To me...

Not to mention...

"What happened to your hand?!" They became real! It's warm to!

"Artificial skin, although they'll tear off once I get into action." His neck to! "Only my arms and legs are like that, the rest of my body is still mechanical."

I couldn't help but to touch his cheeks. He was quite surprise as I cupped both his cheeks. "I'm glad you didn't change your eyes!"

"I was planning to, but Doctor isn't capable of doing such."

"Wah! You shouldn't! It's pretty cool! Not only that, it makes you more handsome!" That didn't went out right.

"Quite a cute couple aren't you?" I let go of Genos-san by then, my face burning red. It was Miss. Blizzard. Yes, we're in the same car as it's on auto pilot...

"I was wondering to, when they will ever get married." I rolled my eyes.

"Not until you grow hair, Master." Genos said as I burst into laugher. Saitama-san's face was priceless!

"Ne, ne, Miss. Blizzard, how is Miss. Tornado like?" I heard that they're not close so I tried not to smile when asking so.

"I won't look forward of meeting her if I were you." She said.

"She's an annoying 28 year old brat who looks like she's 11 years old." Genos-san said looking irritated as I blink. Never seen him like this.

"Do you have any horrible history with her?"

"She sent Genos flying once, and insulted me over and over...yeah, it was a really nice History between us..." Saitama-san is saying it as if he's offended, but he's just emotionless.

"Why do you seem to admire her a lot?" Miss. Blizzard ask wondering off even though it appears like everyone in the car doesn't like her, Terrible Tornado I mean...

"I actually admire the both of you, after all... When I was younger I secluded myself from everyone else because of my power, somehow hearing things about you two lighten me feeling up." I'm telling the truth. I thought I was weird. "So yeah, I deeply admire you two a lot!"

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