EXTRA: Clones

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Aaaaand evil Genos drove me crazy XD

So this story is about cloning/replication of our two hawt heroes :3



Genos and Saitama being over protective and all while their evil clones continues to piss them off XD

And Hana's sanity had left her... (I'll draw something about that ;-))

So on enjoy :-D as I unleash the hidden pervert within me ;)



Today was the day that my nightmare turned into a sweet (not) reality.

My jaws fell from the moment I saw Saitama-san looking like a typhoon hit him. He had a scar on his face, clothes torn apart and blood traveling down from his head down his cheeks.

"Oh my God! Saitama-san! What on earth happened to you?!" I was screaming completely forgetting about Genos-san. I made a different plant from the flower pot, took it's fluid and dip the hankerchief on it to clean the cuts. He wasn't injured that badly... But...

"Tell me Genos-san... Did he punch himself?" Because he keeps on smiling. I think Saitama-san grew crazy...

"Something like that,but was done by a different person."


"You see Hana..." He looks so dead serious. "A being beyond the world's expectation has been born."

What on earth is he talking about? How serious he is in talking tell me that Saitama-san met a threat that could destroy the world.

"As if a mirror from an entirely evil society." I don't understand him at all. Even so he sounds like an old man from fantasy stories telling the world's fate, I'm kind of scared. "An evil clone of me and Master was created."

Dramatic lightning fell from the background as flowers and plants wilted within 1 kilometer in radius. "And we couldn't defeat them."

As a cue, the door flew open as I instictively hug Saitama-san who looks confuse. There's a Saitama number 2 looking bored and scary with his red eyes and Genos number two who has black hair, black tinted eyes with red irises. His body was black as red light was emitted from his body. Oh my God... They are exact duplicates from my dream!
I grew completely pale. "Hana... Is there anything wrong?"

Saitama-san ask and as if he understood why I hug him he had his palm over my head to comfort me a bit. Ruffling my hair. "Wait a second... Genos... The original one come with me."       

And Saitama-san grab my wrist as Genos-san followed.

"Is that how you treat your guess? Shit head." The Evil Saitama said looking irritated.

"You are me, I am you, you're a shit head to." I almost laugh at that. I wasn't able to help myself as I glance at the Black Genos I could have sworn  I regreted it. He wink at me before licking his lips.

I quickly look away feeling scared for my life.

Oh God, that was hot >\\\<                      
And I instictively hold unto Genos-san's arm. Shacking...

As the door was shut, Genos-san carried me princess style as he ran in a very high speed along with Saitama, at the boundary of Z city. It feels like I was on the fastest motorcycle that existed.

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