Chapter 4

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2 months later...

I was trying to stay calm, looking around rose vines crawling just below my foot. I glance from here to there, every sound I hear drove me crazy. Then...

"Mr. Tree do your part!" I lifted my index finger a bit as it swish it's branches. I saw Genos-san as I continued manipulating the tree. He dodge it all swiftly, I later smirk as if a tyrant as I manipulated the tree behind him. The roots grab unto his anckle and legs. "Check mate~..."

And my beloved tree started punching him. I still stayed calm still observing my surrounding. And he did flew right in front of me...

"Tsk!" I shielded myself with a wood the wood eventually scattered. Plants don't stand a chance againts fire -_-. I'm having a hard time!

"You're accuracy rose Hana." He commented as a rose vine is still spiraling around my arm.

"Oh by the way, I played an old game earlier." I said as I lifted a finger. A plant with a purple bud , it grinned with sharp bloody tooth. "Genos, Chumpper. Chumpper, Genos."

"Eat him!" And my favourite plant ran toward him, as Genos-san was more than ready to counter it. It ran pass Genos-san as my jaws fell after it bit Saitama-san's head.

"Hana, this thing is disgustingly licking me." And it is. I laugh awkwardly. As Genos also stared at the sight.

"Is that from plant vs zombies?"-Genos

"Hey Genos are you saying I'm the zombie?"-Saitama

"The zombies were bald to."-Me

"Hey!" Saitama-san then stared at me. "I just realize something..."

"Your hair color is weird." I touch my hair, of course it's winter white so it's weird. I smiled touching it.

"It's unique rather." Genos corrected. "Master just really want his hair back."

"I didn't say a word!"


"To be honest, this jacket is quite weird." For me, but then again I don't have any rights to complain. I'm only borrowing it.

The jacket is pure yellow with 'oppai' print. Suitable for perverts -_-. Saitama-san doesn't look like a pervert though.

"Now, shall we start buying for your clothes? As far as I remembered they all got torn apart due to the training." I look at myself. I can't probably walk around with shorts and an 'oppai' jacket!

"Let's go."

"But my clothes!"

"They're fine~..."

"I don't think so!"


I am now awkwardly walking with Genos-san as Saitama-san is saying he'll do to the groceries. I'm receiving death glares from girls.

We later pass through a mirror walled restaurant as I notice a bunny hairband over my head. Saitama-san gave it to me earlier. I then glance at Genos-san.

"Ne, ne Genos-san lean over here." The blonde cyborg blink as he nodded. I place the hairban over his head as he merely blink. "They look cute on you!"

"This is a bit too girly Hana."

"C'mon! It suits you rather fine!" I said cheerfully. "I dare you not to remove them!"

"Just this day okay?"

"Okay!" Eventually since Genos-san said he'll pay (i argued with him that he doesn't have to.) I bought those clothes that were cheap so I can buy a lot. Of course, they're not that cheap so they can survive long enough.

"Ne, Genos-san if I get a hero's name what would you think would it be?" I smiled as he look at me tapping his chin as if he's thinking. I've been excited about the thought of being a hero so I couldn't help but to ask.

"Queen of Thorns sounds nice." He said as I thought thoroughly. I like how it sounds. Then the hero's outfit! Maybe I could manipulate the flowers to make me a stunning dress for that. "You always use rose vines so I think it's suitable."

"I hope the heros association would think of that name!" I beamed as I saw him smile again. I'm acting like a child after all. He might think I'm childish.

"Do you like roses Hana?" He ask as I blink, i smiled in reply before nodding.

"Yep! I love them!" I said uncounciously making a rose appear on my hand. "It somehow defies human being, like humans a rose has a beautiful side and the thorns defies human imperfection so I love them."

"I see, i hope this suits you then." He open one of the bag exposing a blue rose hairpin. "Come here I'll place it over you."

My heart started racing as I tried to ignore it. I don't know why I get startled this easily as my heart began to rase faster as he caress my hair.

Realizing that my face is burning i look away.

"Tha-thanks I love it!" Was telling the truth. I just realize the blue rose is over a black ribbon, three white gems were hanging from it to.

"An exchangement from these bunny ears." He said with a smile. Ah...

Oh God he is manly and without a doubt...adorable.

"Kyaaaaaaah!" A scream interupted me from staring at him.

"Genos-san let me handle this." I said with confidence he look at me seriously as I am still staring at him waiting for his approval. He let a heavy sigh escape his lips.

"Fine, but i'll help you when necessary." I nodded.

"Let the games begin..." And I just stood there, looking at the wolf going wild. I played with him, whipping him with the roots as it roared due to annoyance.

I smiled as it look at me. It glared at swung it's claws. I effortlessly dodge it as I made a rose vine wrap around it's wrist.

I made the vine sink in a high speed deep into the ground as it's face crash unto the road. It cut the vines.

"You bitch." Wise, that's when it tried to attack me, I'm not that sweet so i made the tree behind hin stab the wild wolf. It later died, blood splattered down the road.

"My, the problem was taken care of already?" I look to where the voice came from. Sweet Mask! I can't believe he's staring at me! That's so long... I don't even know if that's his exact hero name. "Are you a hero?"

"No, just a girl defending herself." I said, he looks so handsome in that blue hair of his.

"Did you just manipulate the tree?" He ask eyes wide.

"Well, probably yes, nature seems to love me so it defended me."

"Hana!" I shift my gaze from sweet blah blah mask to the demon cyborg that took his distance to see my performance.

"Genos-san! Did you see what I did just now?"

"Yes, you did quite a performance. It's time to leave now." He's talking to me but he's staring at Sweet Mask.

"It was nice seeing you in person." I slightly bowed as I folliwed Genos-san. "Hope we'll meet again!"

"I'm sure we will." He smiled.

"Genosnii wait up~!"

~by the time they arive the apartment, Saitama was looking at the laptop.

Staring at Genos and Hana's picture spreading in the internet. With the caption. 'Genos is taken T_T'

"Wow Hana's popular now."

"I'm not his girlfriend!" >\\\<


If saitama is in plant vs zombies..

Instead of the brain... He'll take your hair XD. And winning is proven imposible...

Queen Of Thorns: (One-Punch-Man: Genos X OC)Where stories live. Discover now