Chapter 12

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"This is beyond unacceptable! This bald idiot is the one who inspired the association's existance?! This is some soft of a mistake!" Just shut up Terrible Tornado. It would be more appreciated.

"There's no mistake, this guy saved me." The boy said smiling. I'd likr to slap that to her face.

"That's so cool!" I beamed as Saitama-san blink.

"I was only trying to help back then." He plainly said glancing at me. Then to the old man. "There's nothing remarkable about it."

"It is! If not for you, the association might not exist!" I uttered gaining the agreement of many. I smiled looking up at him. "Chaos in this world might be more horrible than we think!"       

"You're exagerating things, If I inspired the association or not none of it matters, chaos in this world isn't solve by me alone but every singke hero here who seeks and fights for justice." Silence...

Later cheers were heard as the Associstion's founder dragged Saitama-san to the front. Saitama-san was busy to find a way out to all of this as he refuse to accept all the offers the founder gave.

However... He wasn't able to deny, along with an his S class rank reward. I could swear I want to slap that all to Tatsumaki's face, but considering her strength I'm scared of her.   

"Now I'm the only A class in the house " i pouted as Saitama-san is having a hard time receiving tons of hand shake. Genos-san is smiling slightly the whole time.

He's happy for him.

"Well, A, B, C or S doesn't matter, as long as you've done your duty." Genos-san said as I look up at him  I nodded smiling in agreement. He got so poetic all of the sudden... "But don't stop striving for the top."

"Don't worry! I'll be the 19th Hero in the S-class!" I smiled at my dream which is rather 'achievable' . I need to beat sweet mask for.                                                                                                
That was when...

"DUCK!!!" I'm sorry but I think I need to destroy this mansion. Using some thornless vines, I took everyone to the other side of the house as I made trees grow in a line, like a wall  to shield them. I since I was right in front, I made a shield for myself.


"HANA!!!" I heard Genos-san utter from bahind the wall as I saw how it manage to save them, however the trees are half burned and melted, so the others are still out of my sight... The floor had holes to... So were my clothes.

Eeep! >\\\<

By then, a log fell, as Saitama-san and Genos-san stared at me blankly. I saw smoke over Genos-san's head and blood out of Saitama-san's nose. And me? My face burned crimson red realizing those who stood behind the two are staring to.

"Look away idiots!" I screamed making leaves cover the hole. I quickly pick a flower up, it was a white hibiscus which I transform into the a dress, the leaves being the upper and the petals servings as the skirt. It's fragile, but it will do.     

"What on earth was that?!" I have to idea who ask that.

"Acid from who knows where." I said plainly, my hands lifted slightly in the air. Alarmed about the fact that the attacker is close.

That was when a snake head appeared....

It's a Dragon class! It was already hard for me when it's a demon class threat!

"Catleya..." It said again...


The snake I fought last time said the same thing.

Queen Of Thorns: (One-Punch-Man: Genos X OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu