Chapter 29

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"So the formula is likely... "

"I got it Zen! Hold your horses sometimes!"

"Hana-chan don't push yourself to hard!"

28 hours had past, I am left sleepless and frustrated. I, Zed and his brother Kreuz is conducting a research and is currently making a progress with the potion.

But after all those effort, it only slow down the pace of the poison and about one fourth of Saitama-san's body has been corrupted with the poison. Damn it.

Atleast his heart rate and blood circulation is better than before.

"You did a great job cupcake." I pouted at the nickname. He gave that nickname to me when I was 14, after some chocolate coating fell over my head by an accident. Then my so sweet fate, sprinckles and toppings followed. He said I look like a cupcake there.

"Stop calling me that..." I said as he laugh.

"Just get some rest Hana-chan... We will have longer time to make a antidote after all." Kreuz smiled as I look at him, black linings are underneath his crystal blue eyes.

"You need some rest to..." They push me out of the room anyway. I glance at Saitama-san who is still unconcious. Never had I seen him looking this weak.

I didn't want to take some rest, I doubt that I can. My conscience wouldn't probably let me.

Because of my selfish desire of being free...

Many lives perish...

As I walk down the Heroes Association Hospital, I saw him.

Unlike before... I couldn't look at him in the eye. I was expecting that we'll pass through eachother.

"How is he." That didn't sound like a question but a demand. Not even looking at him, I bit my lower lip as I look down at the floor

"Most of the poison is taken out of his system, however the rest is still spreading... The research continues, but he is far from danger unlike a day ago." It hurts...

"I see..." He walk forward by then as I broke down. Tears ran down my cheeks as I began to tremble. Damn it... It hurts... It fucking hurts...

I tried to muster my strength which left me earlier and walk forward. I wanted to run, I wanted to scream I wanted to cry out of frustration... i don't understand this feeling.

I just want to die quickly.

"Hana..." I quickly wipe my tears away. As I turned my head, shifting my gaze away from the lobby as I saw Zen. Fubuki-san probably told him about the whole situation.

Don't look at me like that...


By then I fell on my knees, my heart felt like it had been broken far too much.

He quickly embrace me as I burst into tears. Sobs filling the whole place. Just kill me please...

I'm a murderer.

I'm a murderer...


I don't deserve this...

~9 days later

Foolish I may be... But I am currently alone...

In front of an abandoned building.

Where Rafaela is...

"That guy probably made a antidote... What if he poisoned himself?" I stared at Kreuz who blink. It's possible...

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