Chapter 27

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This is insane.

"Cool, I feel like a vampire surrouded with werewolves." I uttered sarcasticly. I'm in the middle of a circle of drooling scary wolves. They want my fleash obviously.

Good news, everyone is brough to a who knows where fascility. A fascility in case it's the end of the world.

Bad news...

Monstes had been popping from left and right. It feels like the whole world turned to Z city.

And when the dogs were about to take a taste of my fleash, I held them back using a type of vine, tying them up. Restraining them...

"Hana! Had you been fine?!" Saitama-san arrive from somewhere as hs look around seeing the dogs. I could have sworn he had took 100 monsters down. Those pitiful animals...

"I'm okay, we still need to find Rafaela though." I need to find him. It's been about a week, people are unable to enjoy Christmas because of that freak and I'm sure the people in the evacuation island is not liking their new years party.

"He'll show... And we'll make him spit EVERY single detail of your memories, okay?" He smiled ruffling my hair as I smiled and nodded. "let's go and find your husband... Shall we?"

I blush furiously at the statement. "Genos-san is not my boyfriend!"

"Yeah, he is... He is your future boyfriend." I hit him on the shoulder playfully as he just laugh. It's actually nice to see him smile and laugh. For someone who's usually emotionless... I mean he can be handsome if acts seriously!

Even he is the strongest man alive, I'm sure he's already tired. The mosters are tiring us and we still don't have a clue where Rafaela is.

"Let's go home for a bit." Saitama-san said stretching his body as we walk through the ever silent city.

The walk was kinda funny, I saw a perfect duplicate of Saitama-san's hair when he was younger.

I made him wear it and Genos-san kept staring at him.

It's as if the world isn't in dangered at all....

We all laid on our stomach, reading some magazines as we would be laughing.

"Ah! During summer, let's go to K city again!" I said smiling wide as Saitama-san blink.

"Heard the corals in that sea is without a doubt amazing!" Saitama-san said flipping througj the pages of the magazines. It showed the beautiful corals under the sea along with colorful fishes.

"How about at J city, the beaches there is also popular." Genos-san suggested as I and Saitama-san look at each other.

"I had earned a huge amount of money! Probably enough for all of us!" I beamed excited about this whole situation.

"I understand, I'll rent a whole beach for a week." -Genos-san said seriously.

"That's too much Genos!" Saitama-san had his jaw hang agape.

"It's fine master... It's a celebration, if things go well after this we need to relax and enjoy ourselves." Genos smiled flipping through the magazines all over again.

"I won't likely enjoy it, I don't know how to swim!" I said as Saitama-san stared at me. I'm not much of a sporty person, all I know is ride a bike and I just learned how to skate.

"I'll teach you." Genos-san smiled as I blink. "Then we'll swim under the sea together and enjoy the beauty of the sea."

I blush furiously as Saitama-san chuckled. "Just tell me if it's your honeymoon week and I won't go with you guys!"

"It's not!" I said blushing furiously as I glance at Genos-san. HIS FACE IS RED!!! "Wha- Genos-san! What's wrong?! are you alright!?"

"I think Dr. Kuseno place some modification in my body during my maintenance." Now he's smoking.

"That's called 'blushing' Genos, turning red once something embarrassing, you got startled or your heart- i mean core is going wild... Happens a lot when some people teases you to someone you like." I hate that evil grin on Saitama-san's face. And no... I did not just assume that he likes me!

"I'll just go out and calm my system down." Genos-san said as he stood up. I then sat up as Saitama-san grab Genos-san's arm, pulled him and push him back to bed.

Results I was now underneath the over heating cyborg. Nose touching, eyes staring back at eachother as I could feel his breath. I blush furiously.

"Master!" Genos-san stood up as Saitama-san kept on laughing. Me on the other hand is still trying to comprehend what on earth just happened.

God... He was so handsome!

"Let's just go to sleep shall we!" Saitama-san said as he flop unto the bed. Laying beside me as he drag Genos-san along him. I was laying in the middle.

Genos-san won't look at me.

"Genos what's wrong?" I hate Saitama-san's teasing tone.

"Master leave me alone."

"C'mon! We'll still talk a little further! I'm your teacher turn this way!" Now I want to jump of the bed. Too embarrassing.

Hesitantly, he did what he was told as I stared at the ceiling. His face is too close... This is too much for me.

Ah... The light looks interesting....

"We'll return the peace to this world right?" Saitama-san said as I turned my head to look at him. He's grinning wide.

"Of course master we will." Somehow the embarassment had went somewhere.

"We'll defeat Rafaela!" I said possitively as Saitama-san chuckled.

"Just sleep the two of you!" Saitama-san push me, result I fell off the bed along with Genos-san. Now I'm the one on top. To much embarassment... >\\\<


It took us a while to sleep though. The whole night was filled with laughers and scenarious we thought of. I had fun anyway.

And to me... That is all that matters...

"Good Night Hana, Genos." Saitama-san ruffled my hair.

"Good night."

We were not aware...

Not one bit...

Of what might happened the following day..

A loud serene rang as my eyes flew open. I had no idea how, but I and Genos-san are hugging eachother. I quickly push myself away from Genos-san as I jump off the bed. His face bured red as I was blushing mad as well.

Was Saitama-san responsible for that?!

"Saitama-san! What's going on?!" I ask trying to forget what welcomed me as I woke up. I'm glad that my heart stop pounding wildly... Or I might be stuttering right now.

"Rafaela appeared." I and Genos-san look at each other as I grew nervous. I don't know but it feels like something is going to happened. Whatever may happened, I hope I'm wrong.


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