"David," a sigh escapes her lips and my teeth grit vigorously.

"It's Anne!" I secretly crack my fingers under the glass wall that separates us, taking out my frustration.

"Sorry, just got used to it. Anyway, how are things going for you?" She smiles and I return the smile, leaning back comfortably in my chair.

"It's not that bad. Peaceful actually, " I lie remembering all the glares and bad mouthing I've been receiving since getting imprisoned. Which have doubled since the 'Caroline' incident. "I just have to relax here for awhile."

"23 years is not awhile," Mia's face turns serious as her tone lowers.

"It's just a number," I brush her comment off with a laugh.

"No it's not!" She suddenly raises her voice only to lower it down, "It's your life. You can't just waste it rotting away in here."

"DO I HAVE A CHOICE?" I yell slamming my fist against the wooden table in front of me, alarming the security and everyone else. "What am I supposed to do? Run away? And live as a fugitive?" I look at her taken back expression and carry on, "I'm not just rotting away in here, I'm fighting for my life! An ordinary damn life!"

Pushing my chair back, I leave the visiting room ahead of the usual time. I'm not in the mood to receive compassion nor carry on the conversation. Mia pities me, but what's there pity? I've committed a crime and now I must face punishment.

"Move it Wills!" One of the prisoners shoves me brusquely out the way and due to the shackles on my feet, which still haven't been taken off, I fall pathetically. Bumping the huge garbage can. Which resulted in the bucket on top of it spilling dirty water all over me. My hair, uniform, face, all splattered with the dirt from mopping the floors.

"Not much of an assassin now huh!" The prisoners gather around laughing. Joined by Caroline and her group, "Don't you look so cool right now?"

"I think it suits her."
"Dirty pig!"
"Oink oink b*tch!"

Caroline then crouches down and lifts my chin, her menacing smile plastered all over that muscular face, "Why don't you run back to your barn? Pig."

At that, I just couldn't control my emotions anymore. I had thought, if I stayed on my best behavior I'd be let out early. But who am I kidding? I'm a f*cking assassin, they don't even think of me as human.

I then rapidly grab her left wrist and twist it to the right. Causing a scream of agony to escape her filthy mouth. Without giving her a chance to fight back, I pull that same arm around her neck restricting any kind of movement.

"Leave me alone-" I manage to finish only to be kicked hard in my back. Losing my concentration I manage to get punched in the face, gut and everywhere else Caroline's group and other prisoners could land their hands and feet on.

Even though they're a lot, this should be easy for me. I've faced more experienced and more professional fighters. But why aren't I able to fight back now? Because I let my anger control me. Once anger does, conscious choices aren't made anymore and skill lacks.

It's Not My Style (EXO Kris fanfic) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now