Chapter 36

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Tris POV
"Beatrice, your fathers out of prison and wants you to move back in with him." She states. My eyes widen in shock. How the fuck did he get out. I look over to Tobias who is still holding Patches. Their both in shock. He looks over to me and gives me a confused look.
"What's going on?" He asks and turns to face Matron. She straightens herself up.
"Beatrice's father is out of prison and on parol. He wants Beatrice to move back in with him. May I ask, who are you." She raises an eyebrow at Tobias. I clench my fists at the look she gives him.
"This is my boyfriend," I spit through gritted teeth. "Tobias this is matron from the foster home." She glares at me.
"Beatrice, I have come to collect you and your things." She says. She waits for me to move and get my stuff. I don't move not yet. I don't even get a say in the matter? How the hell is he even out of prison! I look over to Natalie and Andrew. Natalie looks as if she's been crying for a while. She Wipes away her stray tears.
"Wait, I don't even get a say in the matter! How'd he even get out of prison?" I ask. She sighs and sits down. Her pink suit pulling at her large belly as she sits down.
"He was thought to of murdered someone, but they could never prove it. So he just served time for drug and alcohol abuse as well as child abuse. While in prison he's gone through rehab and come out a better man. We've assessed where he's living now, as well as him and we believe that he's ready to have you back. He's a changed man." She smiles, trying to tell me she cares. I feel sick now. So I've not seen him in almost three years and they expect me to go back with him willingly?! Who do they think they are?
"Do I even get a say in this?" I practically yell. I look over to Tobias who is looking quite serious and concerned. I turn to Natalie and Andrew.
"Are you gonna let them take me?" I say and go over to them. "Please don't let them take me. " I whisper, feeling as if my voice has left me. Andrew shakes his head.
"Can we at least let Tris have some time to settle and think about this, it's her life, her choice. Not yours." He points to Matron "not his." He points to outside the house, insinuating my father. "Hers" he points to me. I can definitely see why he's a politician. He definitely gets his point across. Matron purses her lips.
"Fine, I'll arrange for her to meet with her father. Then she can make her decision." She says and turns on her heel. Slamming the door behind her. She's obviously not happy with the result. Tobias' gaze follows her out, he still clutches the dog.
"I really don't like that lady." He says and turns back to us.
"Join the club." I mutter as I go back over to him and patches. Slowly, I run my hand over patches, who whimpers slightly. I close my eyes. Please let them say yes. I mentally pray before I turn around. Natalie raises an eyebrow at me.
"Why do you have a dog?" She says and turns to Andrew who just looks confused.
"I found him on the side of the road. He needed help. I've named him patches." I exhale the air I've obviously been holding in. "Can we please keep him." I take a breath. I feel like Ive asked the world of them. I know it's hard to take care of something else but they did. They took me in, so why can't I do the same? Andrew stares at the dog for a few moments. He sighs and looks to Natalie who does the same.
"Fine," he says and we breath a sigh of relief. "But only until he's better and find an owner." He smile spreads across his face.
"What's his name?" Celeb questions, striding over to Us. He gently strokes the dogs head.
He smiles a little. 
"Your lucky I've been reading about veterinary." He says and runs upstairs to grab the book.
"Of course you have." I mutter, just loud enough for Tobias to hear. He turns and gives me a big goofy grin. Which, I return.

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