Chapter 35

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I flick on another imagine dragons song. I've gone for a walk because Natalie and Andrew started to tell me that Matron was coming over to tell them something and I kinda freaked out. I keep walking even though my hands are soar from my crutches. Walking takes so much longer, but I don't mind means you get to take the scenery in better. I hear what sounds like a whimper. I switch off my music and take out my head phones. I walk towards where the whimpering is coming from. I gasp at the sight before me. I see an old German Shepard like dog lying on its side. Barbed wire wraps round the base of its leg.
"Oh my god" I whisper as I bend down onto my knee, straightening my dead leg behind me. I gently stroke the old dogs matted fur, it whimpers as I do. But doesn't try to snap at me and tell me to go away. I need to help this dog. This dog kind of reminds me of me a few months ago. Hurt and if  Natalie, Andrew and Tobias hadn't  shown me kindness, I don't know what I would've become. I sigh a little. Now it's my turn to same kindness.  I can't break off the barbed wire by myself. I quickly pull off my jacket and wrap it round the poor animal. I whip out my phone and dial Tobias' number.
"Hey, what's up?" He answers. I quickly explain what's happened.
"Can you please come and bring a pair of pliers." I say. I end the call. I wait a few minutes and comfort the dog. I couldn't leave it.
"Hey, are you ok?" He says and slides down next to me. I nod, he looks down to wounded animal and grimaces a little at the sight of the animal.
"I couldn't leave it, you didn't leave me." I say.
"Tris, it probably won't survive-" he starts but I cut in.
"I probably wouldn't of seen my 18th birthday if you hadn't of shown me the kindness that you did, the love you did." I beg him "why is this animal any different to me?" He winces slightly and begins to cut away the barbed wire. The dog yelps  a little each time.
"Done" he says and pulls the last of the barbed wire away.
"Let's take it back to mine, maybe Natalie and Andrew will let me keep it!" I say and hope begins to well inside me.
Tobias POV
"Let's take it back to mine, maybe Natalie and Andrew will let me keep it!" Hope glimmers in her eyes. I sigh. What else Are we going to do? Leave it to die? No, I'm not that kind of person. I gently scoop the animal into my arms and we begin to walk back to hers. She grins the whole way.
"What should we name it?" She questions.
"We don't even know what gender it is" I state, she raises an eyebrow.
"So?" She questions.
"What if it's a girl and you've given it a boys name, it's gotta live with that forever." I say and she nods in agreement.
"Ok, what about Rover?" She says and I shake my head.
"Curly?" I shake my head.
"Patches?" She says and the dog lifts its head slightly. I nod. Patches is neither a boy or girl name and it's got patches of brown and black all over its face and body.
"Patches?" I test the name out on my tongue. "I like it!" I state and she grins even further. It slowly fades as we come closer and closer to her house.
"What?" I question. She looks nervous, almost scared.
"What if they say no. We can't just leave him to streets, or the pound!" She exclaims.
"Don't worry, if your parents say no I'll take it back to mine. My dads never there so he wouldn't care." I say. She beams up at me and nods. Tris opens the door and as soon as we enter, I'm met by an unusual looking women with grey hair and tight pursed lips. She raises a quizzical eyebrow at me.
"Matron? What are you doing here?" Tris says, she looks slightly nervous and shifts from one foot to another.
"Have I done something wrong?" She asks, Matron purses her lips even tighter then I thought possible.
"Tris, we need to talk about something." Andrew says. He looks upset. Angry almost. Ok, what the f is going on.
"Beatrice, your father is out of prison and wants you to move back in with him." Matron says and Tris' eyes widen in fear.

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