Chapter 23

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"Will you run away with me, back to Michigan?" I feel my self stop breathing. Go back there? Where all that shit actually happened. It's just before the end of the day and all the school buses are starting to turn up.
"Your kidding right?" I say. He shakes his head. I feel my self stop breathing.
"Why would we go back there! Don't think that it will trigger more memories!" I feel my self beginning to raise my voice. Keep calm Tris.
"Yes, but we'll be free. Happy. The rest of the gang are already there. We've got an old house. It's not much, it's better then nothing." He says. It's true. It would be great to see the whole gang again.
"What about my life here?" I say. I look at the floor. I have friends. The girls, I guess. Marlene's nice. Lynn is fun. Shauna is funny. Christina is honest and a shoulder to lean on. I forgive her for what she did and said. That's what life is about. Not to hold grudges because life is too short. I have Tobias. Tobias. The boy who I felt safe with, but struggle to open up to. A boy who gave me hope.
"What life!" He says. I feel angry.
"I do have friends you know!" I say.
"What! Friends that stab you behind the back. I can't believe you think their your friends! They're your friends. What you've only been here for just over a month! They've only known you over a month! I've known you your whole life!" He says. I get up and stand above him.
"You don't what it's like to have a family that cares for you! You haven't been through all the shit I've been through. I've been to two foster families and been kicked out of both. I've been to two schools and kicked out of both. I've never been wanted! Why did you run away! Huh!" I yell. He looks at the floor and runs his fingers through his hair. He's not telling me something. "HUH!" I tell.
"I ran away because I heard you were in Chicago! I ran away because  they were trying to give me to a family! I didn't want to go! I was getting letters from the gang. They'd regrouped and had found an abandoned house! We'd all escaped! All of us! We'd all ran! Except from you!" He's going red. "I had to find you." He had a family that wanted him. He was going to a foster family that might of loved him. There's always a chance they actually wanted him.
"You had a fucking family that wanted you, that could have loved you. You fucking ran! Your a coward!" I yell. Tears start to brim in his eyes.
"They could've loved you!" I say.
"You don't know what love is! Huh!" Tears are slipping down his cheeks now.
"Your the only girl I know who can't cry!" He says.
"You know why I can't!" I yell. I can't help but not cry. He knows I can't. I can't even believe he's saying these things. The bell goes.
"Tris, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." He says. My rage has taken over. It's like a beast, it can't be controlled. I've lost it. I've exploded. Someone's going to get hurt.
"You know what!" God I've lost it. Tris calm down! "You've never been there for me. You should've of climbed over. You weren't there when I needed you the most. When you get a chance of love! You run away. To go to a abandoned house with a bunch of lost kids. You ran away to find me. I'm starting a life here. Your right! I don't know what love is! But I've got a shot at it! Is that good enough for you!" He looks at the floor. People are starting to flood out of school.
"HUH! Your a Coward Cody! Your a Coward! You expect me to come with you. I can't run away! I won't run away! I want to start fresh! Don't you get it! You being here doesn't help Cody! I can't start fresh! I want to forget. I can't and you won't let me!" Buses are starting to leave now.
"Tris, you need to calm down." I turn around to see Tobias. Cody stands up.
"Tris, please, I'm sorry!"
"Your a Coward Cody!" I growl "your a fucking coward." I turn around and start to walk away. Some one grabs my wrist.
"I'm sorry." Cody says. I pull my wrist away. I start to cross the road to get to Caleb. I look down. I hear a loud horn and a squeal of the breaks. I freeze. My head looks over to see a bus screeching towards me.
"Tris!" I hear voices calls. Some ones hand pushes me. Just before I hit the ground I'm hit by the bus. My head hits the concrete. The world begins to go dark. But just before I'm gone I hear someone say.
"Hang on Tris." And I'm gone.

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