Chapter one

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I finish packing and walk down stairs to a bunch of scrawny kids. Well I can't really say much. I'm not the biggest. I walk down stairs.
"What do we owe this pleasure to?" One of the queen bitches asks
"Piss off Bree" I say and slump on the couch waiting for matron to ring the bell for dinner.
"What are these." They ask and pull one of my arms. Revealing large scars.
"Why would I tell you this." I snap. She curls her lip.
"Hey we haven't been to two foster families, expelled from both schools and a juvenile centre." She says "why a family would still want you, I don't know." Her comment doesn't hurt me. I know I'm not wanted by anyone.
"Your kind of a mystery aren't you?" One of her minions say
"Yeah stay up in your room, don't talk to anyone. You never had friends at school because your so ugly and short." They all laugh at that comment.
"Your so wildly unpopular no ones going to know your gone." Bree says with a smirk on her face.
I get up and try to walk away put they push me into a corner. Her face is two inches from mine.
"Just know this," she says I wriggle trying to get out. "Your parents didn't want you. That's why they did this to you." She holds up my arm "your other families didn't want you and now this new one isn't going to want you either." She says with a smirk on her face. They prance out of the room laughing and whispering about me. I know they are because every once in a while they will turn around to look at me and laugh. I glare at them. I grab my jumper and pull it over my head. I walk into the dining room and take the last seat. With Bree across from me and her minions the other side of me. They all smirk each other and laugh. They ask the little girl. Poppy I think her name is to move. They now sit either side of me. Ham burgers are placed in front of us. I pick at the ham burger and chips. Most of it I don't eat. Not hungry. Bree's minions start to piss me off. They keep poking me in the ribs. Bree keeps treading on my toes. The torture goes on for another half an hour before matron with a smirk on her face dismisses us. She knew that they were doing that to me. She pisses me off. I try to run upstairs but the grab my arms and pull me back down the stairs. I fall to the bottom. Ow that hurt. I rub my head.
"Hey Tris." Poppy says and comes and sits next to me.
"Hey" I growl
"I made you this." She says and hands me a hand made card the says good lukc tris. She tried. She was only like four. I smile. She actually made me this.
"Thank you." I say and pull her into a small hug.
"Be good at your new home" she says and walks off to her room.
"I will try" I whisper and run off up stairs.
I walk back into my bare room. I Change into my ratty pj's and get into bed.

(Page break)
Me and matron are in the car. My tiny suit case is in the boot. My ratty back pack is bumping beside me. Almost no one came to say good bye. Only poppy. Bree and her minions grinned in the door way as I drove away. Smiling because I was the burden that they got rid of. I found out where we're going all the way to Chicago. I've never left the state before. So this is kind of exciting. I don't know why they'd want to adopt a 16 year old but who cares. I'm just happy to get of there. Even if it is for just a few months. I got to get away. I sigh at the long journey ahead.

(Page break)

We pull up to my new home. I'm dressed in grey jeans and a black top with black hoodie and combat boots. I look up at my new home. Medium sized and looked alright. Like a nice neighbour hood. Better then the one I used to live in.
I get my suit case and walk up to the door. I stand behind matron. A kind faced lady answers.
"Hello." She says and let's us in.
"You must be Beatrice" a man says as we walk in.
"Tris" I say bluntly and shake his hand.
"I'm Andrew and that's Natalie." He says and points to his wife I guess.
"And that's Caleb." They say and point to their son. Not much older than me. I smile at him and shake his hand.
"Would you like to see your room?" She asks. I shrug and grab my suitcase.
"would you like me to take that." Andrew asks
"No I'm fine" I answer bluntly. She comes and shows me a white room with white furniture and a bed with a pink duvet on top.
I almost gag at the sight of the pink. I don't like this place.
"Thank you." I mutter and put my suit case down.
We walk back down stairs. Matron is about to go.
"Just remember. If you step a toe out of line. I will know about it. They've already promised to tell me if you do." She whispers "if you do step a toe out of line. You'll be going back where you belong" I gulp and nod. With that she turns on her heel and walks out. Good bye Matron from hell.
"It's an early night for both of you" Andrew says. I give him a confused look.
"You've both got school tomorrow."
"School?" I ask

 We are one (#Wattys2016) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin