Chapter 14

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(If you've seen Wicked. You'll know the song Elephba (don't know if I've spelt that right!) sings about feyero( don't know if I spelt that right either!) about she's not the girl for him. She loves him but he'll never love her back. It's called I'm not that girl. Listen to it while you'll read. If you haven't seen Wicked! Do it! Right now! Go see it right now!!!)
I touch my swollen eyebrow that's now stopped bleeding. It's painful but I've been worse. Natalie hasn't really shouted at me. Guess she doesn't want to make a scene or whatever. I don't know or care to be honest. She lets us in and Andrew stands at the door. His arms are crossed and his brow is furrowed. That was the position that my dad always took before he beat me. Crap. He won't hurt me. He can't hurt me. My breathing quickens.
"We need to have a little chat, Tris" he growls. He takes one step forward. I take one step back. I bump into Natalie. She walks around me to stand next to him. She puts her hands around his arm. Like my real mother used to that. This is the part where he'd pounce on me. And beat me senseless. I close my eyes and ready my self. For what could happen. What will happen. I hear him take one step closer. I cringe. No. No he can't. He won't. He shouldn't. He wouldn't.
"Why did you attack the boy Tris?" He says
"I... Because... He...." My words fail me. I still have eyes closed.
"I just want to know." He says. His voice is calm and soft.
"Because... I..." I try to steady my breath.
"Because he tried to tell everyone I'm fostered and I was abused. And he was telling everyone that you guys beat me. And I just lost it.  Him and a friend of his beat me up. But then my friend helped me. I'm sorry." The last two are very important. I never say I'm sorry. It's amazing what can change you.
"Am I grounded?" I ask. They look at each other. Natalie sighs.
"Yes.your  grounded for 2 weeks." She says
"No going to parties. Anyone's houses." She says. I don't have any friends. Therefore no parties. Therefore no houses to go round.  I nod. I go up to my room. It's 3:45. Caleb's home.  I walk past his room and poke my head around the door. I've never actually been in his room before. Everything is blue. There are shelves piled high with books and CD's. I know I should've knocked because he jumps.
"Sorry. Can I come in?" I ask. He nods.
"What happened with... Your.... You know." He says pointing at his eye and eye brow.
"Oh. I got into a fight." I say. His eyes pierce me. My eyes flick over to side of the room. I see an old blue bike.
"You've got a bike!?" I say and walk over to it. A smile spreads across my face.
"You can have it if want?" He says with out looking up from his laptop. I bite my lip.
"Are you sure?" I ask. He nods.
"Thanks" I say. I grab the handles and push it out of his room. I look downstairs to make sure no ones there. Andrew is in his office and Natalie is at the grocery store. I pick it up and walk downstairs not making a sound. I open the door and tuck it round the side of the house so it can't be seen. I then go back inside and run back upstairs. I grab my backpack and shimmy down the drain pipe. Grab the bike and go for a ride. I just want to clear my head. My braid flys behind me. I love being outside. Riding brings back memories. I push that to the back of my mind. I ride around the neighbourhood. I look up at top windows. Then I see 2 people in love on one top window. It's house number 4. So that's what it looks like to be in love. I bite my lip. I'll never have that. Never. They passionately kiss again and again.  I wait there watching for a few minutes. Mezmorizied. I wonder what's it's like to be kissed. To be loved. I don't know. Does Natalie and Andrew love me like their own child? I'll never know. I continue to cycle away from number 4.
I walk down the hall way. It's lunch. I grab whatever looks edible and to my usual spot. Tobias hasn't been sitting with me as much recently. I don't know why. He's been talking a lot more to Lauren and her minions. God I hate that girl so much. She makes my blood boil as much as Peter and Eric. I walk past the group. Everyone sits there apart from Tobias. Christina smirks at me but Marlene and Shauna show me a small smile. A small smile but still a smile. I sit down at my usual table and eat. Occasionally my eyes flick up to see Tobias sitting there with Lauren. She's fairly close to him. That makes me even more angry. I finish and get up and walk past their group. Lauren flicks her eyes towards me and leans over to Tobias and presses her lips against his. He begins to kiss her back.  I almost drop my tray. They become passionate. They look really similar to the couple at number 4. I walk faster to get away from it. I dump my tray and run out of the cafeteria to the girls bathroom. I look my self in a cubicle. I start to shake. But I don't cry. I can't cry. Don't show weakness Tris. I don't have feelings for him. Do I? He's just my best friend. That's all. But is it? If it was just friends I wouldn't feel this way . I never cry. I've never cried over boys especially. Our hands touch and eyes meet. Sudden silence. He protected me from all the wrong. He may be that boy, but I'm not that girl and I'll never be that girl. I'm not worth it I guess. I'll never be the one. Lauren's popular. Got her million friends. Pretty. Probably got nice parents. She's just perfect. Then there's me. No friends. Unpopular. Fostered. Scarred. Was abused. Imperfect. He may be that boy but I'll never be that girl.

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