Chapter 11

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He hands me back my MP3 player. I take it and shove it in my pocket. Lauren sweeps into the room and takes the seat next to Tobias and gives me the dirtiest look ever. They talk about something that I don't hear.
"Hi I'm Miss Wu." My home teacher walks in. "Today I'd like you to do a duet, solo or band. At the end of this lesson some people will be asked to perform. So no messing around. Off you go." She says and turns to her desk. I turn to Tobias.
"Do ... Do you maybe wanna..." I try to say. He cuts in.
"I'm really sorry, but I'm going with Lauren." He says. She leans over her desk so I can see her. She smirks at me. I look down at the floor. They walk off to the practice rooms. I stay in the class room. I don't know how to play an instrument and I only know like 15 songs. I sit by myself with miss Wu in the class room. Everyone else has gone to a practice room.
"Tris." She says. I look up to her. She beckons me over. I slowly get up and walk over to her.
"Don't you have anyone to work with?" She asks. I shake my head and bite my lip. I must be the only soloist in the class. She walks over to the piano.
"What song do you wanna sing?" She asks.
"Ummmm" I say. "Demons by those imaginary dragons." I say. She gives me a funny look.
"Ok. It goes a little something like this" she starts to play the tune and I sing along.
"Wow. Your not bad!" She says. I look at my boots. A smile pulls at the corners of her mouth. About 20 minutes before the end she calls the class back. She asks if anyone wants to go first. A few people put their hands up. I keep my hands in my pockets. There is no way in hell that I will be walking up in front of the class and singing. There is no way in hell. They can give me all the detentions they want. But there is no way I will be doing it! A couple of girls go up and start to sing a love song. Please some one hand me a butter knife so I can throw it at their eyes. I hate love songs. Hate them! Then Zeke and Uriah and Marlene go up.Uriah plays the drums while Zeke is in bass and Marlene sings. She's really good and you can see the confidence in her eyes. She smiles as she sings and you knows she loves being up there. I look down. I wish I could be as confident as her. I guess I am insecure. They finish and we all clap. Then Tobias and Lauren go up. He holds a guitar in his hand and walks to the front with her. They sit and start to sing. I never knew he could play the guitar. They're playing a duet and it's really good. He starts to strum the guitar. They sing together.

"Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I... am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all
And I... will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl
Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I... will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye
Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
And anywhere I would've followed you (Oh-Ooh)
Say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something..."
He will occasionally glance over to me. But they look at each other most of the time. You can see the love in their eyes. Do they love each other? No Lauren isn't the type of girl Tobias would go for.
"Thank you Tobias and Lauren. Well done. We have time for one more. Who wants to have a go?" A few people stick their hands up. I look at the floor. Not today boys.
"Tris?" She says. Shit! The whole class turns round to look at me. No. No. I shake my head slightly telling her I wouldn't do it.
"What if someone were to accompany you?" She says and looks round the class. Some puts their hand up. I slide into my seat even further.
"I will" a deep, gruff voice says. Tobias.
I look down. No. I don't care even if he's gonna do it with me. No freaking way. I feel a hand wrap my wrist and pulls me to my feet. I look up to see Tobias dragging me to the front.
"What are you doing?!" Lauren says through gritted teeth.
"Yeah!" I agree with her. I try to dig my heels in to stop him from pulling me to the front. I keep trying to get him to let go.
"Do you know the chords to demons?" Miss Wu asks
"Is the sky blue?" He asks and she nods. He drags me into a chair and sits in the one where he sat with Lauren. She glares at me from the back. I look down.
"Hey I'll sing it with you." He says and I nod. He begins to strum and we both sing. I look into his reassuring eyes. As if there were only us two in the class. I don't look out to the front because I already feel the cold eyes of the rest of the class staring at us. At last we finish and finally take a sigh of relief and practically sprint back to my seat.
"Well done Tris and Tobias!" She says and the rest of the class clap because even Marlene, Zeke and Uriah. At last the bell goes and I run out the class and to my locker. I just want to go home. The corridors quickly empty and I'm still trying to stuff my music folder into my tiny locker. Some one slams me against the lockers. I look up to see Peter with Eric and Lauren.
"Get off of me!" I say
"You keep your filthy paws off Tobias. Or so help me I will stab your eyes out with a knife." Lauren spits
"What kind of knife?" I say
"A butter knife" Peter says and they all walk away.

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