Chapter 27

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A few days later.
I've called the whole gang here. They're about to tell me how far and to what extent my injuries go to. I'm terrified. If Tobias does ever love me. Or would ever love me. He won't now. I'm even more broken then they expected. The reason I called everyone here for my results is simply I need all the support I can get. With the death of Cody and never being able to walk again. I need everyone. They are my closet friends, even if I've only known them a month and a few weeks. Tobias is sitting on the edge of my bed. Rubbing his thumb in smooth circles over my hand. Each time it starts again, I feel sparks. Every ones here. The gang, Andrew and Natalie, Caleb. We all wait in baited breath. Then a doctor in a white coat walks in.
"Hello, my name is David and I have your results." He says holding up his clipboard. He clears his throat.
"You discovered that you'd lost the feeling in your legs. We ran some tests and found it to be true. When the bus hit you. It caused some damage to your spinal cord. As you hit part of the bus hit your head, causing you to have memory lose of the whole incident. The damage to your legs was the most obvious and serious of your injures. Apart from a few broken ribs. You seemed to of fractured your spinal cord, therefore immobilising your legs." He says. Confirming I never will be able to walk again.
"Although, there is a chance that you can regain mobility in your left leg. You will have to walk with a brace  on the right leg."  He says with a smile. A chance? I guess it's better then nothing. I'm either broken, or really broken.
"What are the chances of her walking normally again?" Shauna asks.
"Extremely, extremely slim." He says "you'll be lucky if you regain mobility in your left leg." I look down. Everybody looks at me like I'm a kicked puppy, everyone apart from Tobias. He gives me hope. I won't ever be able to play basket ball again, or dance with Tobias. Wait! Do I like Tobias. I can't. I don't know what love feels like. Whenever he touches me. Sparks run through my body. When ever he looks at me I feel butterflies in my stomach. The warm rush every time he speaks to me. Love is something you can't control. It just attacks you at any given moment. It won't give up until you utter those words I love you to someone. Love comes in many different forms. There's hollow love. A love where you only love someone for their physical appearance. There's family love. Where it's your family and would give and do any thing for them, like Cody did for me. Then there's true love. A love that is so full of passion. Each person in that love, loves you for you. No matter what you look like. They like you for you. That's true love. Like I've said before, I thought I was incapable of feeling love. I knew I couldn't ask anyone what love felt like because it's different for everyone. For me. When I'm with Tobias, it feels like the world goes slower. He makes me happy. He gives me hope and strength. He's the one who's gonna get me through this. No one else. Him. He makes me feel warm inside. I feel jealous when he's with another girl. I didn't think these words would ever come.

I'm in love with Tobias Eaton.

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