Chapter 19

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Cody POV
I walk down the new grey corridors of my new (temporary) school. I can't believe I found Tris. I mean it wasn't intentional... Ok it was. I've come here to try and get her to come back to Michigan. I need her to come back. We all do. She's like my little sister that I haven't seen for two years. Every thing I told her was true. We did get caught. I did get sent to the Juvenile centre. I've been in foster care and I did run away to find her. She doesn't belong here. She just doesn't. I need the old Tris back. Fearless. Honest. Smart. She just seems a bit shaken. The whole time. When I tried to comfort her this morning she pulled away. It's like she's trying to pull away. Trying to get away from something. I don't know yet. It's like she doesn't trust me. I've known her since the day she moved when she was 5. I was the first one she ever told about her abuse. I held her when she cried. She was the first one when my abuse started. She was there for me when I needed a shoulder to lean on. Why doesn't she trust me. I know she finds it hard to trust people. I know. It's hard and rough. But everyone has a silver lining. She's still gotta find hers. Tris' parents called the school to tell them about my situation. They haven't contacted the authorities yet. I don't want them to. Not yet. We need time to escape. To run. To be free. We can do it. I know we can.
"Hey." I say as I lean against Tris locker. She's putting all her chemistry books away. It's lunch. She looks up and smiles. She never really says much. She's quite, calm and caring. That's what makes her an amazing human being.
"You hungry?" I smile and she nods. We walk to the lunch que. The girls from the Mall are only a few feet away.
"Hey, Christina, Marlene, Lynn, Shauna! We're over here." I say. Tris needs some girl friends. Some people talk about I don't know what with. They all look up and look at each other then start to move towards us in a sycronized motion. Tris gulps.
"What are you doing?!" She hisses.
"Hey you need some friends." Woah she looks pissed. Have I done something wrong?
"I've got you though." She hisses again. She's a complete Tom boy. Can make friends with the guys like that. When it comes to girls. It's a little tricker. She's just not into the same stuff as they are I guess.
"Come on Tris you need some girlfriends!" I half whisper/ yell. She gives in and just looks at the floor. Wow, she's a lot more insecure than she used to be. When she was 14 she was as happy as she could be in that situation. Now there just seems to be no happiness left. Gone. I broke her. I should've just climbed over the fence and got caught with her. For the past two awful years of her life. She hasn't had a shoulder to lean on. That's my fault. She's had to do this whole thing by herself and that's my fault. I'm not going to leave her ever again. She's like my little sister. Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind. I believe in that. She's no being left behind. Not this time.

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