Chapter 30

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We walk to the lunch que and grab lunch. Luckily, because he's such a gentleman he carts my tray for me. We quickly eat and as I get up Christina asks "where are you going?" As she raises an eyebrow. I blush slightly as I look to Tobias.
"I'm teaching Tris the guitar." He says and smiles at me. She smiles at me.
"Have fun, kids." Marlene says, leaning closer to Uriah. A smirk pulls across her face. He wraps his arm around and pulls her closer. I smile and grab my crutches. After a few minutes of walking and talking we get to the music block. We walk in to find Miss Wu typing something on her computer, a smile pulls at the corners of her mouth.
"Good to see you back, Tris. How are you?" She says and looks away from her computer. Her eyes flick over to Tobias and a smile comes even more apparent.
"Made some friends too I see?" She says.
"Yeah, I guess." I look to Tobias who has been looking at me the whole time. He quickly looks away.
"Um, can we use a music room please?" I say and she nods we quickly make our way over to the furthest music room and Tobias grabs his guitar.
"Look, here are a few basic cords." He says as he strums. His fingers glide over the strings. He plays it so beautifully and with so much emotion. He looks so calm when he plays and let's all his emotion go into the music.
"Your really good." I say as I grab a chair.
"You think so?" He asks and I nod.
"Thanks, I learned it pretty quickly because I used to play a lot after my Mom died." He says and looks down still strumming. His mother died?
"Let me get all my emotion out" he says and looks up with a smile.
"What about you?" He says. I feel my heart rate quicken.
"What- what do you mean?" I stutter.
"You know, when your mom died, you must've had some kind of outlet." He says, now quietly strumming. I shake my head. I never really knew my mother. Never. She was either unconscious half the time or acting like someone that I didn't know.
"No. I never really knew her. I mean she was there. But never really there." I say. He should understand he always does. Ever since the accident, we've become a lot closer. He knows so much about me. So much. I know a lot about him. But I never knew about his mom and he doesn't really talk about his dad that much. Never really. Knowing how broken my family was I never want to see anyone go through a similar situation.
"Why didn't I ever know about your mom. Why don't you talk about your dad?" I ask. He looks up at me.
"I never really told anyone about my mom, only Zeke and Uriah, guess I wanted to keep it personal to people who are close to me." That makes my heart skip a beat. Only Zeke and Uriah know. They've known each other almost their whole lives. Yet he trusts me enough to tell, I just can't explain it.
"And me and my dad aren't very close at all. He always works. He became a lot more distant since my mom died." He says. we go silent for a few moments.
"Here. Have a go." I fumble with the guitar and begin to play a few cords shakily. He comes over and sits behind me.
"Look gotta hold the guitar like this." He says as he positions my arms. This sends sparks all over my body.
"Look and do this, see?" He says and he wraps his arms around me. He holds my hands in his as we begin to play as one. After a few minutes he stops as I look up to him, our eyes lock. Then he leans in and his lips brush mine. I tense.
"I don't think I'm that kind of girl." I say. His lips smash against mine. I try to pull away... Suddenly I realise that it was the past. That it wasn't my fault. What's done is done and there's nothing that can be done. After a moment I kiss back. Our lips move in sync. We pull apart, our breathes ragged.
"Tris," he says "I've been wondering this for a long time. Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asks, almost timidly. Why though. Why?
"Of course! But why are so nervous?" I ask.
"Because I get nervous when I ask beautiful girls out." He says making me blush. He thinks I'm beautiful? Me? I'm fair from it. Ugly hair, fat , scarred  and now yet another to add to the ever growing list. A cripple.
"I'm far from being beautiful." I say and look at the floor.
"No your not. I know a beautiful girl when I see one." He says
"Tobias, I'm broken. I mean seriously broken."
"I know, but everything is fixable."

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