Chapter 25

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Tris POV
I walk through what seems to be the corridors of school. I head for the exit. I think it's the week end. There outside the school is a crowd of teenagers surrounding a bus. I run and push my way through the crowd. As I get to the front. Shock runs through my body. There I am. I'm lying on ground. Dead. Tobias sits there sobbing over me.
"The ambulances didn't make it." He repeats over and over again. I feel some one grab my shoulder. I spin round to see Cody.
"What's going on?" I growl.
"You've killed him" he nods over to Tobias who is lying now next to my life less body.
I take a step back.
"You've killed us all Beatrice Prior." I turn around to see everyone lying on the floor. Surrounded by pools of blood.
"But you've killed me" he says and drops dead in front of me. I scream.

Quickly my flutter open. They're met by large bright lights. I quickly shut my eyes again. I feel like I've just been blinded. I feel sick and confused. Where am I? What happened? I slowly open my eyes this time, readying them for the bright light. As soon as my eye sight adjusts I look around. I'm surrounded by 4 white walls. An oxygen tank. I feel the nodules tickle my nose. There's a few sits and a drip next to me. I look over to see Natalie and Andrew standing there.
"Oh thank god your awake!" Andrew says. Both their eyes look puffy, as if they've been crying. Why would they be crying. I'm not important to them. I'm not important to anyone.
"We were so worried!" Natalie says. She walks over and gives me a hug. Pain Sears through my body. I writhe slightly, trying to make myself more comfortable. My legs don't seem to want to work. Probably because I haven't moved in so long.
"Your lucky to be alive." She sobs. Suddenly, the whole gang walks in. I don't want them to see me like this. I don't trust them all yet. But they might have seen what happened. I don't remember and haven't bothered to ask.
"How you doing sunshine?" Zeke asks. A smile is plastered across his face.
"Been better" I croak. A smile pulls at the corners of Marlene's mouth. Christina walks in just before Tobias. She's the last person I'd expect to see here.
"How long have I been out for?" I ask and lean back a little. Pain runs through my body and I wince slightly. They all shift a little awkwardly.
"A little over a week." Uriah says. Tobias looks at the floor. He doesn't make eye contact with me.
"Do you remember what happened?" He asks. Still no eye contact. I shake my head.
"What do you remember?" I shrug.
"All I remember is the bus coming towards me. A hand shoves me and I black out." I say.
"Do you know who pushed you?" Will asks. I shake my head.
"It was Cody." Tobias looks up and his eyes are a deeper blue then ever before.
"He saved you." What! After everything I said to him. He pushed me and risked his life. Where is he? He's in hospital isn't he? He must be. Yeah.
"Where is he?" I ask. Worry starts to fill my body.
"Tris," Natalie starts. Tears begin to well in her eyes. She can't continue as she sobs into Andrew. Where is he! Where's Cody!
"Tris, Cody's dead"

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