Chapter 5

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Crap! I just punched the most popular boy in school in the face.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I say wide eyed. I bite my lip. I actually did that! Oh crap.
"Why are you out this early?" He ask
"Well, ummmmm..." I say
"It's fine if you don't want to tell me." He says
"Well why are  you out at this time of morning." I ask. He shrugs.
"I had to go for a run. I'm quarter back for the team." He says and smiles. I look at the floor.
"You don't smile much do you?" He says
"Never really had a reason to smile" I say and shrug.
"I guess you had a bit of rough child hood. Didn't you?" He asks and raises one of his eye brows.
"What time is it?" I ask. Pulling him off the subject.
"Well it's about, 5:45."
"I need to get home" I say because I do.
"I'll walk you home." I give him a funny look.
"Why do you wanna do that?" I say as we start to walk.
"Well, I live around here and so do you. Your alone. You might want some one to talk to." He says
I look to the floor. I shake my head.
"Fine, but I still don't get it." I say
"You also didn't answer the question about the child hood. " he says. Damn it!
"Ha. Yeah rough child hood. You could say that." I say.
"Well, why was it rough." He asks
"No comment" I say "this is my house"
"Ok. "He says "see you at school!"
I wave and climb back up the drain pipe and through the open window. I'm pretty good at it now. Well that's after climbing through countless houses to loot. I climb into the shower. But before I do I look at the mirror. The old scars across my back from his belt. I sigh and get in the shower.

(Page break)

I get in the lunch que without getting into too much trouble. Trouble always seems to find me! I take what ever looks edible. Christina glares at me from across the lunch hall. I know I shouldn't go and sit there. I walk across the other side of the lunch hall and sit on a table by my self.

Tobias POV
I look at Tris in the lunch que. She gets her food and glances over to us. Lynn kicks Christina in the shins.
"Ow what was that for?" She asks
"She's coming over!" She says through gritted teeth. Christina looks up and finds Tris in the crowd. She glares at her. Telling her to piss off. Telling her she's not wanted. Tris looks down and walks over to an empty table. She starts to pick at the food by her self.
"What you do that for?" I say. I love my friends don't get me wrong. But some times they're as bad as Peter and Eric.
"Well we told you. We don't want to be associated with her. Oh my god! Did you see her this morning! I just don't think we should associate our selves with her. I mean she's not the kind of friend I want." Christina says
" yeah, we all agreed on it" Uriah says
"And I thought we were supposed to be accepting!" I say
"Yeah, but she's just. Different!" Shauna says
"Yeah and I said I wouldn't give up on her." I say and I get up and grab my lunch. I walk to her lunch table.
"Hey are these taken?" I ask. She looks up. Her dark brown eyes look up at me.
"Do they look like they're taken?" She says bluntly.
"I guess not..." I mutter and smile at her. She looks down and continues to pick at her lunch.
"I'm sorry about them" I say and take a bite of my sandwich. She shrugs.
"I know when I'm not wanted." She says. She mutters something but I can't hear. She's just memorising and confusing. She's like an enigma that I wanna crack. A mystery that I want to solve. The scars on her body. Why does she have them. Who caused her all this pain? I want to find out. It's just about trying to pull her out of her shell. She doesn't want sympathy. She doesn't want it because she knows that you can't understand what she's been through. She knows that she can't get any empathy because no ones been in the same situation. She wishes some one could under stand but no one does or will. She doesn't want to tell any one about her past because she doesn't feel like she can trust any one. Some has scarred her mentally and physically. I want to know who.

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