"No" I squeaked putting my hands over my eyes. The crowd gasped, I guess it was a rare thing for me to talk, and it was even more rare for me to disobey an Alfa order.

"Now!" Jason shouted angrily. I assumed he was mad because I wasn't listening, I was disobeying, and it was messing with him, possibly embrassing him. He couldn't force me to look at him since he wasn't full Alfa yet, or at least that's what i susprect since I am not following his command.

I felt hands grab my wrists and I jumped back in shock as I felt tingles run up my arms. I removed my hands from my eyes and looked at the ground. Did I really feel those tingles, or was that just my imagination? "Better. Now look at me" Jason commanded, but my gaze remained on the cement. I would not look at him. I don't want to feel his tingles. “Fine, I don't want to see your ugly eyes anyways" he told me, then shoved me onto the ground. I whimpered in pain as my leg scraped the ground.

 Once everybody left I stood up and grabbed my backpack. I located my glasses, and noticed thatmultiple people had stepped on them. I sighed and put them in a pocket of my backpack. I didn't need them anyways, I never really did need them. I've just worn them for as long as I can remember.

I rushed in the hallways and ignored how people laughed at me. Jason was so stupid. How could he pant me! I reached my locker to see a note stuck to it. I grabbed it off and read it silently to myself. This wasn't the first time I've recieved a note to me on my locker.

            Dear Fatty

      Hahaha! Dora underpants, I'm so glad I panted you.

Your day is going to be so much fun little piggy. Ohhhh

 by the way... I'll be waiting for you to gave you a gift for

disobeying me.

                        With hate-

                             Jason :)

I growled under my breath and crumpled up the note then shoved it in my pocket. I grabbed my books for class and hurried to homeroom, science, almost tripping when multiple people stuck out their feet. I finally reached science, 10 seconds before the bell rang. I breathed a sigh of relief, one more time being late and I'd get detention.

Mr. Warder walked into class soon after the bell rang and started talking about how cells are built, and their uses. I had already memorized the stuff we were learning but acted like I was paying attention anyways. No need to get on the bad side of Mr. Warder- or any other teacher.

After second period it was lunch time, and I was ready as I ever could be to be humiliated. I brought my lunch today, in hopes of avoiding the chaotic lunch line. I was one of the first to reach the cafeteria, and I quickly grabbed a lunch table in the corner of the room where nobody would (hopefully) bother me, and I could daydream about finding my mate.

Nobody seemed to be paying any attention to be at lunch, thankfully. I ate my lunch in silence, first my peanut butter sandwich, with my Oreos, and lastly my grapes. When I finish my lunch I lean back in my chair and think of what my mate would be like.

Unwanted By Him (On Hold, sorry!!)Where stories live. Discover now