The X Trials

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Hi everyone!

Everyone loves David Bowie. Well... at least I do.

I feel that I did not do him enough justice in his short stint in this book series- if you haven't already forgotten about X.

So, I've begun what's going to be a one-book trip into the life of X, starting from his experience as a young boy living with his brother- the young Chief Rose.

If you're bored, I would appreciate it if you'd take a look at the first chapter and spread the word! Give feedback! I'd love to know what you think!


The next chapter of EL will be coming soon! Thanks again everyone!

X: So I guess nobody is interested in my life.

Me: Don't make me bring out the paddle again. Seriously, man.

X: Alright, alright. *licks lips* *smooths hair*

I'll see you in The X Trials!


-MJ's Crotch

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