Chapter 11

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I absolutely love to start my morning with the most excruciating pain in my side, and violent vomiting even though I haven't even eaten.

After the last of the vomiting has subsided, I brush my teeth three times before sluggishly dressing myself for work. Today is not going to be a school day.

I drag myself downstairs quietly, hoping to slip out before Will wakes. He should wake when I do, because we totally sleep in the same bed, right? No. Let's just say we've been... 'on the rocks' lately.

"Good morning." His sarcastic statement startles me right before I can make a beeline for the foyer. I turn quickly, clearing my throat uncomfortably. He isn't smiling, not in the slightest, as he leans against the kitchen counter. In his hands is a little box of something.

"What's that?" I ask after an extremely uncomfortable silence. "Lithium." He says roughly, opening the little case. "What? Lithium? For what?" "For me." He takes a long drink of coffee to let it sink into my mind. "You.. you're bipolar?"

Out of all people, I really thought it would be Michael.

"Yeah. If you'd been talking to me recently, maybe you would've noticed sooner." His voice is like nails on a chalkboard. "Oh..." I turn again to walk away. Will? Bipolar?

"I was off my meds the other day in the Skills Lab." I turn again, shrugging. "It's ok, we talked about it. I already forgave you." "Did you? Did you, Junior?" "Yeah?" I lie.

"Then why haven't things gone back to normal?" "What are you talking about?"

"Are you kidding?! This is like radio silence! We aren't even sleeping in the same bed! I hate it." He lets the little box of Lithium clatter to the floor. Instead of picking it up, he just stares at it, and it really bothers me. This is what I'm choosing to think about right now?

"You choose not to sleep in the bed." "If I touch you, you go running!" I study the grain of the wooden floors, unable to meet his eyes.

"Nothing's wrong." I proclaim, crossing my arms.

"Prove it." He isn't relenting. "What?" "Come here and prove it." He waves me over to him, but I just look at him. "Come on, come over here." I bite my lip, sucking in air as I step over.

I stop three feet from him, but he shakes his head. "Nope, closer." "Will." I whine. "Prove. It." I step within arm's reach, and stop again. Frustrated, he grabs both of my forearms and pulls me to his chest. I squirm, but his grip is iron. He goes to the gym a little more often than the average person.

"I am attracted to you like crazy, but you keep playing these goddamned games." His voice is harsh, yet his thumb stroking my skin is gentle. "Nothing is wrong." I barely whisper, forcing myself to look up at him.

His face inches from mine, he leans even closer, but right before his lips would touch mine, I look down. I can't bring myself to do it. He puts a finger under my chin, lifting my face to his.

His mouth covers mine for a split second before I pulls away quickly. He sighs, abruptly dropping his hold on my arms. "Fuck this." He mutters, and I almost fall to the floor from the force of him walking away from me, and seconds after, walking out the door.

Soon after he is gone, I pick up the box of Lithium from the floor. From the way the packaging looks, it's a brand new prescription. What worries me is that when I open it, not a single white pill is missing.

I eventually leave, but when I walk down to the parking lot, Will's truck is running and sitting in his usual parking spot. I was planning on just catching a cab, but that would've fallen through, because ever since Moonsie died I've been getting shorter and shorter on cash. I don't even remember the last time I had a simple five dollar bill, and I'm gonna need one for coffee. Will usually takes care of that for me.

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