Chapter 43

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The competition is going to be fierce. If you want your book to win, encourage your readers to nominate you. This is not about me, I cannot be nominated. Nominations do matter, but so does quality. This isn't based solely on nominations, if you are a Finalist, your book will be read and reviewed. The best book will win. Make sure to read all the rules before nominating.

Tag your friends there! You do want do win, right? (I am not trying to corrupt our community, or create competition. This is supposed to be friendly).

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Skipper's POV

"No, I need you now." My father's voice carries from the other room. "This is urgent. We have to start putting a case together as soon as possible."

I am blocking the rest of the world out now, batting my eyelashes at Michael. My arms are secured tightly around his neck, and his arms are snug around my waist. We aren't dancing, or even talking. We're just standing in the front room near the fire place, holding each other. It's my favorite activity.

"Don't worry about him," He finally speaks, "Or the case. He's got the best lawyers on it, you're going to be fine. You'll probably get off with a clean record, since you're so young." I shrug, tracing imaginary shapes on his chest with my fingers. "Let's not talk about that."

He falls silent for a few moments, before speaking up again. "Are you gonna tell me about jail yet?" So, maybe I am withholding information, but truthfully it wasn't that eventful. He doesn't need to picture me sitting alone in a dirty cell, I think he'll do well without that imagery. "No, I'm good," I giggle, looking up at him again.

"Ugh, you're so annoying," He grins at me, and then leans down for a kiss. I pull away quickly. "Michael!" "What? We haven't kissed for like... Over twelve hours." I roll my eyes, and shake my head. "He is in the next room!" I whisper urgently. "So? Don't forget, we already broke in the bed together," His voice drops a little, and just those words spark a warmth in a... special place. "Well yeah, but he wasn't home."

"Yeah, and? I could take you right now on that couch over there, where he could just walk in and see. I'd muffle your moans with a pillow of course, but..." He gives me a devilish grin as my cheeks heat. "See? You'd totally love that." "Shut up, no I wouldn't. That's disgusting." I don't meet his eyes. "Really? Do you really think that?" His hand moves downward, but I grab it quickly and place it back on my waist. "Frisky, much? Wait until later or something."

He whines like a child, glowering down at me. "Then at least let me kiss you now." "Fine," I give in, and laugh when his lips touch my neck seconds later. Animal. "God, what is wrong with you?" I squeal, half-heartedly pulling away. "Shut up, you like it." My skin muffles his words, but I can still feel the heat in them.

My ankle cuff beeps a little bit and scares the both of us, and we jump away from each other. "Fucking house arrest," Michael grumbles under his breath, "What did they use to put that thing on you anyway?" I sit on the nearest couch, and bring my leg up so he can see. He kneels down and takes my ankle in one of his big hands, examining the contraption stuck to it.

"They used this like... Really tiny screwdriver to tighten it." He glances up at me with a mysterious smile. "Really tiny, you say?" "Yeah, it's like... The smallest screw in the world." I point to the screw, and he smiles even wider. "The smallest screw... That could be undone with a five-blade scalpel."

I finally follow his reasoning, and my own smile matches his. "You mean... steal a scalpel from the hospital, and use it to open the cuff?" "Yeah, and to keep those two bastard cops off of our trail, you'll carry it with you to school tomorrow. But when you want to go somewhere else, just... Leave it here."

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