Chapter 17

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Before I start, I want to give a big thank-you to a friend who started a fanbook for this series! It makes me feel all special *giggles*

_mj_lover_ has the book called 'Symbolize' so check that out if you want some more Love Symbol inbetween updates ^_^ it's scenarios and 'what ifs.' I'd love to see what you guys think! xx

"Breathe, just breathe, you know? If you don't, you'll freak out, you know? Then you'll flop, they won't believe you, all your work will be for nothing, got me?" I giggle at the apparent nervousness in Will's demeanor. He's been shaky and rambling all morning, and he's definitely more nervous than I am.

I know I have to be as confident as possible. I am a fifteen-year-old intern, uncertified and unheard of. It's going to take a lot of convincing on my part to make the FDA board believe that my data is legitimate.

The FDA building is grand in size and stature, towering above the other buildings in downtown D.C. It was amazing to fly over the city last night, my face was glued to the first-class window, marveling at the lights. It's no New York, but it's beautiful in its own way.

Everything is sleek and clean, just as I thought it would be. "Alright.... Here it is. The Board Room." He takes a deep breath as we approach a big set of wooden double doors. I have all my data and charts with me, and I am ready for the long-awaited moment.

"We're right on time," I buzz with excitement as we pause right outside the doors. Now that we are here, everything feels extremely surreal.

"Remember, no freaking out-" "I've got it," I giggle, touching his arm for assurance. "Don't worry." He nods once, and pushes open the door. It creaks a little, and then reveals a large and immaculate conference room. It's got beautiful sparkling white paint, and a circular wooden desk, with five people sitting at it. They are all dressed in fanciful clothing, and what warms my heart is that one of them is a woman.

Her dark eyes are warm, and her smile is cryptic as they all watch us walk into the room. "Rose. It is good to see you." She speaks with a British accent, though her skin is tannish-orange and her hair is as dark as her eyes.

The rest of the board is old white men, as I suspected. "This is her? Your 'ground breaking' intern?" "Yes. I am." I speak loudly and clearly before Will can respond. "So, she speaks."

"Yes, let's begin." I glance at Will, nodding towards a chair for him to sit sin. He gives me a reassuring nod, while I unfold the charts showing all my data, along with microscope images. I don't want to waste any time, before nervousness finally finds me.

"Gay Related Immune Disorder. 'Gay-Related' so we thought. Through this data, not only can I prove to you that GRID is a fraud, I can also prove that this is a complex disease, with many stages that can occur in all human beings, any gender, any race." The woman leans forward, squinting her eyes and resting her fist on her chin.

"I started by collecting bodily fluids from thirty different patients, all different races, male and female. I tested for the amount of GRID cells transmitted through each different liquid, from infected bodily fluids to clean ones."

Next comes explaining the symptoms as signs. "There are three stages, the first one I call 'HIV,' Human Immunodeficiency Virus. When a person acquires the disease, they experience a week to two weeks of flu-like symptoms, as well as rash, and gastrointestinal problems. After that is a period of time I call 'Clinical Latency.' It can last from three-to twenty years, and the infected person may experience no symptoms. Then, in 40-90% of the people with HIV, the disease develops into it's end stage form I call 'AIDS.' Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome. I had seven of my thirty trial patients die, not from AIDS itself, but from complications, like pneumonia. Their bodies can't fight diseases anymore, so they die."

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