Chapter 33

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Michael's POV

Skipper looks like hell as she stalks down the walkway in my direction. She looks broken, shattered really, worse than after I turned her into rubble. It's obvious she's been crying recently, her face is splotchy and red, her hands shake at her sides, and her eyes dart back and forth.

I can see her cheeks are still wet with tears, her hair blowing in the morning breeze. She's got all her books and things for class, but she looks in no way prepared.

Just when I think she might approach me, she glides around me like I'm not even there, and starts to jog. "Jay!" She calls out.

That motherfucker. His wounds are healing surprisingly fast- it's probably Skipper's doing. She calls his name again, and it activates a feeling inside of me. I can tell just by the tone of her voice that she is severely distressed, something big has happened to her, something huge. And I am obviously not going to be the one to comfort her, as my mind is telling me to.

Jay and Carleigh were walking together, and as Skipper approaches, he turns. "Yeah?" He keeps his cool while Carleigh watches absentmindedly, picking at her nails. Skipper's voice is hushed now, but whatever she whispers to Jay is enough for him to look extremely concerned.

They exchange a few whispers, before Jay leads her away by the hand, telling something to Carleigh over his shoulder. She shrugs and continues to walk down the path, while I follow Jay and Skip close behind. If he's trying to pull a fast one on her, I'm gonna be there to shut his ass down.

He leads her around the back of the gym, in the roughly paved area between the fence and the building. I can't hear anything, but after some coaxing, Skipper begins to talk rapidly, staring at the ground as she begins to cry again. All I want to do is hold her, but it looks like Jay has beaten me to it.

His jaw drops for a moment, before he pulls  her tightly into his chest, and she begins to sob hysterically, burying her face into his neck. She strokes his hair quickly, comforting her and rubbing circles on her back.

It makes me sick to my stomach.

His eyes are filled with panic, drifting around. It is just a matter of time, before he looks up and makes eye contact with me. He gives a smug smile, letting his hand creep down to her lower back.

My hands clench at my sides as he taunts me, slowly lowering his hand more and more, before he's essentially holding her ass. My insides ignite with anger, and I turn on my heel and walk away quickly before this ends with Jay ceasing to exist.

I walk down the pathway again, trying my best to swallow my anger. Fuck class, there's no way I can deal with that right now. I'd love to go back there and kick Jay's ass, take my girl back, and ride off on a horse into the sunset, but happy endings don't seem to exist in my world.

"Michael!" Prince calls, waving his hand from afar. I let out a quiet groan, stopping to let him catch up to me. "Have you seen Skipper? I haven't seen her in a while, and I'm starting to get worried." He should be worried apparently, something has happened to her.

"Nope, I haven't seen her." "Really? She didn't return your debit card after she left me hanging inside of a department store?" What the fuck?

"Oh, uh, I told her to keep it." I quickly lie for her, and he nods. "Well... Alright, I'm glad you two have made up. I've gotta go find her, and make sure she's okay." "See you later." I quickly dismiss him, and continue to walk down the path.

Her cries are my demons, and I do my best to quell them.


The air seems surprisingly thick as I open my front door with several keys, which each open a separate lock, and close it tightly behind me. I've become somewhat of a hermit now, since I am alone.

Ethereal Love (Book 2 LS Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin