Chapter 27

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Skipper's POV

"Would you guys get out of here? There is nothing to see!" I try to shoo away the growing crowd of paparazzi outside the court room, who all scream my name, asking me questions. It makes me extremely uncomfortable, all the cameras. Fame is desired by many, but not by me.

"Miss Nelson! Is Prince really your father?" I came out here for some damn peace and quiet... Well, New York is never quiet. I came down here so that as soon as this is over, I can disappear for a while, and Sperm Donor can't force me to move in with him. I never wanted to go so far as to make a commitment, but it was the only way to get what I wanted.

"Miss Nelson." I don't say a word, taking a seat on one of the concrete blocks sitting just beyond the door, and folding my hands on my lap. They crowd around me, but I ignore them, picking up stones and throwing them. For each stone I close my eyes and make a wish, the paparazzi fading into the background. How did they even know about today anyways?

The doors of the court house burst open, and a flood of the boring men in suits follows. Out of those men in suits, I pick out Will's blonde hair, and witness him smile as a police officer removes his handcuffs. "Will!" I call out, standing on tiptoes to see. I end up pushing through the crowd, while paparazzi desperately try to take pictures of Will.

I finally get to him, while people clear a circle, and paparazzi snap more photos. Suddenly it's really quiet, and I don't wanna speak. "What happened?" I ask softly, and he looks down at me disapprovingly. "This is a bad idea, really, I have to go." He turns away from me. "Will!" He stops in his tracks with a sigh.

"What happened?" He walks over to me slowly, leans down, and begins to whisper quickly in my ear. "You're not gonna see me for a while. Your father agreed to let me go, but he filed a restraining order. I have to leave New York, start fresh. I'll miss you." "What? Leave New York? Who's gonna teach me?" He stares down at me, his eyebrows furrowing. "I tell you I'm leaving and that's what you're worried about? This restraining order lasts for three years, so essentially I can't come within 1,000 miles of you until you're 18."

"What about the hospital?" He sighs softly, shaking his head. "I'm leaving that to you. I'll see you again. I will." With that, he turns, and disappears into the crowd of people. The paparazzi follow him, and leave me standing all alone on the steps. I feel like crying, sobbing really, without my teacher. I don't love Will, I know that now, but the knowledge he was giving me was priceless. I miss him already.

"You'd better get out of here if you want to avoid your father." I close my eyes, taking a slow breath in and let one out. "Now isn't the time, X." I turn to see him walk up to me, kicking stones with his black boots as he approaches. "So you did it. You took my advice. Cheers to you." I shrug, biting my lip to keep my emotions pent up where they belong.

"I imagine I won't be seeing you anymore, now that the trial is over." He grins for a moment, before shaking his head and laughing at me. "Won't you go back to London and run your company?" He shakes head again. "I own the company, I don't run it." I scoff as he walks away, snow beginning to fall over us.

"Well... Bye!" "I have no intention of leaving, darling. You may not be seeing me, but.." He stops at the end of the path leading to the parking lot. "I'll be seeing you." After that creepy statement, he disappears into the drifting powdery whiteness.

All at once, my environment seems desolate. My life is desolate now. Moonsie is gone, the lord knows Michael and I will never click again. Will can't be within 1,000 miles of me. I am officially alone.

Fighting back tears over the loss of my teacher and the self-pity growing inside me, I storm off in the snow to find base, and get my mind off of my pathetic life.

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