Chapter 36

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Skipper's POV

I stare like a deer in the headlights at the group of photographers and reporters gathered outside of Will's office.

I have just come from a long surgery, eight hours to be exact, and I really don't want anything to do with anyone. It's late, very late, and I have to go to school tomorrow. And since it's near midnight, that means I'll have to walk all the way to the apartment, since there aren't any taxis on the street at this time.

"What?" I finally stutter, blinking rapidly at their camera flashes, and attempting to shield my eyes. "Dr. Nelson! Tell us more about your AIDS research! Was it really you behind all that data and research?"

"Are you really a fifteen-year-old surgical intern?"

"Is it true you had an affair with the previous Chief of Surgery, and that is why he was forced to resign?"

A cold pit settles in my stomach at the mention of Will. Up until now, nobody here had really said anything to me about him, and it angers me for the paparazzi to think it's okay to ask about my personal convictions.

"Listen here. This... this overly-sanitized building you're standing in? It's overly-sanitized for a reason, meaning there are actual sick people here. I don't need you causing a mess while people are trying to heal."

"Dr. Nelson!" "That means get the hell out of my hospital!" I snap, and they all jump, rushing past me quickly, and disappearing around the corner. 'My Hospital.' That sounds about right, since nobody has stepped forward to take Will's place. So... I guess I'm deeming myself the interim Chief of Rieke Memorial.

As I close the door to Will's office, it occurs to me that 'Rieke Memorial' doesn't fit this place anymore. Will seemed to be the essence of the hospital, and he made a difference in many people's lives, more than just mine.

I open a file cabinet in the corner, searching through the papers and documents until I find the one I'm looking for: A name change request form. I sit at the desk, and with a deep breath, begin to fill out each question.

Old name: Rieke Memorial Hospital.

New name: William Rose Memorial Hospital.

I have a strong feeling that this motion will pass with the hospital board.


Michael's POV

After locking every door and window in my house, to keep people (Delano) out of my house, I drag myself up the way-too-long staircase, and into my bedroom.

I toss my shirt onto the floor, and flop face-down on the bed. I keep telling myself, if I breathe in deeply enough against the  pillowcase, I'll catch a whiff of Skipper's shampoo. At one time I think it worked, but by now, her floral scent is long gone.

I sigh, rolling over my side, and close my eyes to go to sleep.

Five minutes later, I am still awake, rolling over to my other side. And then back to my original position. Over and over, this cycle repeats, as if my body is forcing me to stay awake to avoid the horrible images of Celeste that I know are eminent. Skipper is the only one who could quell them, ward them off.

It's past midnight now, and the moon is absent from the sky. The night is black, as if someone spilled an inkwell over the horizon, blotting out all the stars. It's impossibly dark, reminding me of the space in my chest where most people have a heart.

That space aches when I think of Skipper's deep dimples, or the way her hair would spring when I pulled down on a curl.

Something feels wrong tonight, and I feel uneasy for some reason. It's not like the way I felt when Delano had invaded my bedroom, it's just something about the way my stomach twists and knots as I look out at the moonless sky.

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