Chapter 47

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Michael's POV

I bust at the seams with laughter at the pale look on Prince's face as he stares with eyes like golf balls at Skipper and I in bed. Even after Skipper hit him in the face with a pillow, he stood there, dumbfounded.

"Um... um.." "Get OUT!" Skipper screeches again, and Prince finally gets the message, shutting the door with a loud slam. I can't imagine what he must be thinking right now, having seen his little 'Princess' wrapped up in the sheets with me, after an enjoyable few hours of fucking. Her body was covered at least, but he obviously knows what we've been doing.

Her face flushes even redder than it already was (post multi-orgasm), and she shoots out of bed in a flurry of flying curls and blankets. "What are you doing?" I manage to stop snickering, wiping a happy tear from the corner of my eye.

"This isn't funny! This isn't the least bit amusing," She whines, gathering her scrubs from the floor. I watch closely as she pulls the baggy clothing back up her body, hiding her imperfectly amazing curves. "Actually... it kind of is." "God, he's gonna be so mad at me." "So?" I furrow my eyebrows, studying her face for a reaction. I can feel the embarrassment radiating off of her, it's extremely annoying.

"I have to go," She dismisses my question. "I'll come back later... I hope. I guess I'll just see you at school tomorrow?" Um, hell no. I'm not waiting that long to see her again. "I'll see you later tonight." She opens her mouth to say something, picking at her pants with her red fingernails. "Oh... okay."

She rushes past the bed, and I grasp her wrist before she can slip away. "I love you." Her worried expression cracks, and falls away, revealing her beautiful smile. If only she could've done that during the actual photo shoot, she would've saved everyone a lot of time.

"I love you more," She responds as always. I love how giddy she becomes when we talk about love, it makes me look forward to the next time we'll exchange those three words. After a quick kiss, she hurries from the room.

I wait a few minutes before dragging myself out of bed. The sheets are pleasantly riddled with the scent of whatever minty shampoo they put in Skip's hair. I inhale her smell deeply, before I throw on a t-shirt and pants, and yawn as I make my way downstairs.

"Gah!" I jump, at the disruptive sound of applause, coming from the corner of the kitchen. A dark figure sits at the table, clapping slowly, sarcastically. I rush to the light switch on the wall, my heart pounding against my rib cage. Why does it have to be so damned far from where I'm standing?

The invasive light reveals the figure. Delano chomps a wad of purple gum, examining her nail beds after finishing her round of applause. "Great performance, I mean, that was true entertainment. In two rounds? I have to say, Daddy walking in on the post-sex scene was the best."

Her appearances are starting to alarm me. I press my mouth into a hard line, and ball my fists at my sides. What the fuck could she possibly want from me? I've tried time and time again to get rid of her ugly ass, but she won't listen of course. She knows it's better to get me angry, than to go back to Gary and face the wrath of her sister, Diana. I'm just glad I've managed to keep Delano's presence a secret from Skipper thus far...

"Shut the fuck up, get out of my house." I groan, for what feels like the thousandth time since she showed her overly-made up face in New York. "Tell your freakish sister that I love someone else, and that I'll never want her." "Same old routine, huh, Michael? You aren't even going to ask about how I enjoyed listening to Round One?"

"Round One?" Why am I even listening to her? I know a few good lawyers, maybe I should file a damn restraining order. Not that Delano would listen. "Yeah, round one. 'Michael, right there, fuck, that feels so good,'" She rolls her eyes, mimicking Skipper's high-pitched moaning. While Skipper sounds like a sexified goddess, Delano sounds like a dying whale. "Delano-" "And let's not forget how damned loud she screamed toward the end. What're you doing, setting her on fire?"

Ethereal Love (Book 2 LS Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora