Chapter 39

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A/N: What's that above? Oh yeah! That's one of many mug shots Axl Rose had taken in his teenage years. (He looks super different *giggles*) Yup! That's right! That part of Will's history wasn't fiction.

In his young adulthood, he was arrested over twenty times, because he went crazy after figuring out his step father, Bill Bailey, was in fact his step father and not biological one. Poor thing :'( He was actually arrested for public intoxication, battery, everything Will put in the letter.


Anyways, here's the chapter!

Skipper's POV

I watch carefully as Michael's eyes move beneath his eyelids for the first time since the wee morning hours, the way his chest moves as he takes a deep breath. It's a little while before his eyes open. His pupils dilate completely as he surveys his surroundings, before his gaze finally rests on me.

"You didn't sleep," He observes with a yawn, his arms tightening around my body. "I couldn't, even if I wanted to." I slide off of him, and he sits up, stretching his long arms over his head. "We should probably go find your old man, before he wonders what we're doing in here." He winks at me suggestively, just like the old Michael would. "He's thirty-three," I roll my eyes.

Once he leaves the bed, to go 'take a piss' (those are his words) it seems cold, and I'm left alone to my thoughts of self pity again. The darkness of my deed last night leaks back into my heart, and I freeze with the mental pain it causes me. I whimper, trying not to cry again and climbing out of bed.

"Are you alright?" I spin around, and Michael is standing in the doorway of the connecting bathroom, brushing his teeth. "Yeah," I lie, and he narrows his eyes. "It's okay to tell me the truth now." He walks back into the bathroom, spitting his mouthful of foamy toothpaste into the sink. Where did he get the toothbrush?

"Let's go find Prince." He nods toward the door. "Yeah." He frowns a little bit as we leave, which is weird since he suggested this.

We find my Dad standing in front of the television, pale and sweaty looking with his fists clenched at his sides. "Oh no," He swallows, turning back to the both of us. "What?" Michael tightens his hold on my hand, looking at the television screen.

My jaw tightens as I listen to the news anchor describe the 'gruesome scene' the police stumbled across when they went to investigate an anonymous tip. "The body was that of Xavier Bruce Rose, the man behind BBC broadcasting. He was pronounced dead at the scene, with the cause of death being a laceration to his throat. The murder weapon wasn't found on the screen, but foreign DNA has been detected and is being analyzed. We don't have much information now, as the crime scene is still pending, but it will be broadcasted as soon as it comes in."

"Oh god." I whimper, turning away from Michael and holding my head in my hands. "See? This is what happens when we leave a dead body in an alley and 'don't worry about it.' Now they're gonna find my DNA-" "Stop talking like that!" Michael says a little too forcefully for my taste. "It's going to be fine! Nobody will know!"

"Know what?" Apollonia descends the staircase, all decked out in her whore's clothing. "Good morning," She then adds, giving a bright smile to each of us. We all silence quickly, sharing knowing glances with each other. Michael quickly turns off the TV, looking away.

"Did you hear about the owner of BBC being murdered? Pretty terrible, huh? Poor man." I look away, taking note of Michael's obvious irritation. "You didn't know the man. He could've been anyone, anything." Michael snaps at her. "Well I suppose you don't either." Michael looks down at me, while I try not to imagine myself wringing Apollonia's neck.

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